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In the dimly lit waiting room, (y/n) sat in a contemplative state, her mind swirling with strategies and plans.

She meticulously reviewed the quirks of her potential opponents, focusing on one in particular—Shinso.

As she delved into the depths of her thoughts, a faint grin played on her lips, revealing a subtle satisfaction in the upcoming mind games.

Shinso's quirk lingered in her mind, a tool she found intriguing and potentially advantageous.

His past, marked by struggles, provided her with a foothold for manipulation.

She envisioned the puppetry of thoughts, guiding his mind into a dance of her design.

The subtle nuances of his emotions, the intricacies of his past, all pieces she aimed to manipulate to serve her purpose.

Yet, (y/n) was well aware that to weave such a web of control, she needed her brother's expertise.

Stalking had always been his forte, a skill perfected over time.

In her own way, she was more direct—a master of capturing hearts and minds through isolation and obsession.

The combination of their unique talents promised a potent concoction for achieving her desired outcome.

With the room's silence amplifying the tension, (y/n) rose from her seat, a purposeful determination in her steps.

She ventured out into the darkened corridors, seeking a place of solitude where she could make contact with her elusive brother.

The anticipation of the impending battle stirred a curious energy within her, a thirst for the kind of control that only a puppeteer could understand.

As she navigated through the halls, she couldn't help but revel in the anticipation of the psychological warfare she was about to unleash.

The awaiting battle wasn't merely a physical contest for her—it was a canvas for her art, a stage for her to show the human realm just how overpowered of a foe she could make if she had not been here.

Entering a secluded spot, (y/n) began the delicate process of reaching out to her brother, Slenderman .

Her thoughts whispered into the void, a silent plea for his assistance.

Though it had been already agreed upon he would help her it had no been agreed upon when said actions would take place.

So, in the shadowy depths of the waiting room, (y/n) prepared for a battle that extended beyond the physical realm.

The stage was set for a performance where the mind would become the battleground, and the puppeteer would strive to pull the strings of control.

••• The Final Battle : Denki Kaminari vs. Anderson (Y/n) •••

In the final moments before her match, (y/n) exuded an air of confidence that transcended the ordinary bounds of competition.

As she awaited the commencement of her battle against Denki Kaminari, her thoughts drifted to the potential clash with Ibara Shiozaki that loomed on the horizon.

In her mind, victory seemed inevitable, a testament to the stark contrast between her unearthly abilities and the limitations of the human contestants.

The anticipation of facing Denki Kaminari held little weight for (y/n).

She considered him a mere stepping stone, an obstacle that needed to be overcome to reach the true challenge that awaited her.

With a nonchalant demeanor, she prepared herself for the upcoming clash, her eyes reflecting a confidence that hinted at her belief in an inevitable triumph.

"Ladies and gentlemen, heroes and spectators, brace yourselves for the grand entrance of our enigmatic contestant, the one who walks the line between shadows and whispers—the ethereal (y/n) Anderson!"

"But wait, the stage is not complete without her opponent, the electrifying Denki Kaminari! Sparks will fly, not just from his quirk, but from the clash that is about to unfold. Get ready for a showdown of cosmic proportions as these two formidable competitors step into the arena. The spotlight is theirs, and the air is charged with the energy of impending spectacle! Ladies and gentlemen, let the battle commence! "

As the match unfolded, (y/n) displayed a mastery of her abilities that left Denki Kaminari struggling to keep pace.

Her tentacles moved with precision and grace, a testament to the otherworldly nature of her powers.

In the midst of the battle, she already cast her gaze forward, envisioning the subsequent confrontation with Ibara Shiozaki.

The notion of being in a league of her own resonated within (y/n).

She was acutely aware that her origins, transcending the human experience, set her apart.

The constraints that bound her opponents were nonexistent for her, making the challenges presented by the sports festival seem almost trivial.

As the final moments of her match against Denki Kaminari approached, (y/n) remained composed and unfazed.

Her thoughts were already fixated on the impending clash with Ibara Shiozaki, a battle that held the promise of both challenge and triumph.

In her eyes, the outcome seemed preordained—a testament to the extraordinary power that set her apart in a league of her own.

The crowd hushed into a stunned silence as (y/n) abruptly ended the façade of playful manipulation.

With a mere blink, she materialized before Denki Kaminari, her movements swift as a phantom's whisper.

The air crackled with anticipation, but before anyone could react, a swift kick projected Denki off the stage.

The velocity was astonishing, leaving the audience in disbelief as he soared across the arena.

The unsettling thud against the stadium wall echoed, and gasps rippled through the crowd.

Denki's unconscious form lay against the barrier, a testament to the overwhelming power (y/n) had revealed in that single, unbridled moment.

A chill hung in the air as the spectators grappled with the abrupt shift from orchestrated theatrics to an unapologetic display of dominance.

Even Midnight, usually composed, hesitated before announcing the verdict. "Denki Kaminari is out of bounds. (Y/n) Anderson takes the win."

As the reality of the situation settled, whispers of awe and unease rippled through the onlookers.

(Y/n) stood unmoved, her eyes scanning the arena.

She had transcended the need for subtlety, and in the silence that followed, her enigmatic aura commanded attention, a living embodiment of the age-old power she wielded.

The crowd remained ensnared by the lingering shock of (y/n)'s sudden and aggressive exhibition.

The atmosphere crackled with a blend of awe and unease, spectators exchanging glances that mirrored their shared disbelief.

Midnight's authoritative voice sliced through the stunned silence.

As the realization sunk in, murmurs spread like wildfire among the audience.

Whispers of astonishment and curiosity meandered through the sea of onlookers.

(Y/n)'s abrupt departure from her calculated manipulations left an indelible impression on the spectators, shattering preconceived notions and adding an unexpected layer of intensity to the sports festival.

Midnight, with her unwavering poise, announced the forthcoming matches.

The audience, still grappling with the aftermath of (y/n)'s uncharacteristic move, braced themselves for the continued spectacle that awaited.

Spectral Masquerade : Legacy of Deception Where stories live. Discover now