The Legend Martha.

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They always say that "men are more powerful than Women" nearly every man believed that apart from the wise ones and those wise ones were very rare in the kingdom of king Henry. He believed that once a woman gave birth to a man, she should no longer live. If she gives birth to Two girls in a row, she should die immediately with the two girls, but if the woman gave birth to a girl then boy, they both live but the woman dies anyway.

He demanded that before any woman gets killed, she has to tell him a story in the night of her death until he falls asleep.

Many of his people found it unfair that he kills all the women apart from his sister Charlotte but couldn't say anything because they will be wishing death upon themselves.

Although he was evil and merciless towards women, he treated all men fairly and with respect. He was a great clever king with an illness which I would call womenphobia I guess. He would never say no to any man who asked for help or torture a man for doing a crime like he did to women before he killed them. So really, men didn't know what to think of him, as he treated them very well.

Until One day it came to a point where you could actually count how many women were in the whole Kingdom, you could say there were more red diamonds than women. In another words, they were becoming very rare. The King still didn't care. He's rules were still the same.

Okay, this was just an into and i know it seems boring to you but trust me it gets way more interesting! and it will make so much sense! carry on reading! Pretty please!!

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