Chapter One

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"mum why are you shaving our hair? we look like boys now " I asked my mother, in tears.

"It's for your own good my dears, you'll thank me one day, if i made it. Now, if anyone asks you about your gender you say you are boys alright?  promise me you'll never fail to say you two are boys no matter who it is!" She said, her hands shaking while stroking my young sister's hair.

"promise" we answered.

"once these men take me, you'll rub away to the mountains and live with grandad there and never stop or look back, you'll need food and water, Martha you know the way to grandads house right?" she asked even though she knew the answer. I noded. "take care of your sister in the way and love each other, you don't have anyone apart from... " the man with a hamlet interrupted her by grabbing her arm with no merci, I could tell it was hurting her.

"Stop it you mean man! stop hurting my mum " I shouted while punching his leg. My little sister, Marline, was trying to pull our mother to our side like a tug of war game until she was grabbed by another man with a red hamlet and thrown to the ground with no merci whatsoever!

"Oi You, What's your name?" asked the man with a red hamlet. "Marcos" I lied. My mum smiled and I could tell she was relaxed that I did understand her plan as she forgot to gave us boys names. Marlyin looked at me confused, but she was clever enough not to say a word as my mum taught us not to join in anyones conversation no matter what they were saying.

"And you?! " Directed.the man with a red hamlet at Marlyin.

"H-H-henry, his name is Henry" I said, shaking. I was so afraid that Marlyin would say something like her real name or gender, but she didn't. Instead, she ran to our mother, crying "don't leave me " which only made it more fun to the man with a hamlet to take our mother from us. She kept screaming and trekking the man to leave her alone but that only made it worse to the point where he started hitting her infront of us, worse than an animal. I covered Marlyins eyes but not mine.

He grabbed my mother by her hair, slapping her while the man with a red hamlet was hitting her with a stick. She was bleeding, had bruises all over her face and body and tortured, infront of me.

I was about 9 years old and this was the last day I saw my mother. The last day I felt her hands, smelt her blessed smell and kissed her cheeks. It was the last time I spat the word mother, the last time I got a warm hug and the last time I heard I love you. My mother vanished with those heartless men, but I was old enough to know it was my mother's last day on Earth.

All of this happened in a matter of 15 minutes, but they were longer than 150 years. I watched my mother slowly vanishing with the two men and came back to reality. I had to do what my mother told me.

I took all the food we had left, it wasn't much anyway but enough to last us our 3 days journey. I picked up the clothes my mum prepared for us to take and put them in a my mother's bag.

"Marlyin from now on my name is Marcos and yours is Henry! understood? " I looked at her in the eyes. She noded.

I placed our stuff on our donkey and Marlyin climb it and sat on it. I didn't mind, she was only 6 and I had to take care of her as mother said. As we began walking, I stopped and looked back at our small house, I remembered my mother, her laugh, her love, her games, her stories. I remembered all the good times and memories we had in that house with our beloved mother. Few tears popped out but I wiped them before they reach half way though my cheek because mother told me to be strong and never cry " don't ever feel weak, cry or break infront of anyone, always show you're fine even if you're dying inside, remember I'll always be with you in here"  pointing at me heart.

I looked back at Marlyin, hugged her then started walking.

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