Dragon of the Void

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A/N: so I just watched "The Brave" and I just got hit with this cool idea: what if Ceris was actually on Lance's side? Like, willingly? I've decided to run with it cause ya know I ship Lanris to the death so lets see what this turns out as lol.

Also finally updating this book after a million years 😅


"Don't be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try." --Pravinee Hurbungs (something Lance would totally preach)


Ceris sat in the crow's nest of the main ship, waiting. On hearing someone teleport behind her, she got up so quickly, he gasped. "Excited to see me, are we?"

"I've been waiting five hours over," she looked him dead in the eyes. "The plan will blown at this rate because of how long I've been gone."

Lance smiled. "Good, so they don't suspect a thing? You are a better actress than I could've imagined, darling. We'll keep this up and once they realize you're with me, it will destroy them completely from the inside."

Ceris nodded. "The Gatekeepers?"

Lance scowled. "That cursed Sora Riftblade shut down the Gateways and ran away with the key. But we defeated the army and Skylor is in custody. Injured badly but not dead. Yet."

"How are you going to catch Sora?"

"The plan is not to. I'll have enough End Crystals soon to get the portals going myself," Lance paused. "Although I should probably send someone after her. She might prove problematic later on."

They stared at each other in silence for several moments before a smile appeared on the Void Lord's face. "Honestly, Ceris...you have no idea how much your alliance means to me...how much it means that you understand. Out of all the other End Lords, you," he placed a gloved hand on the side of her face, running his thumb over the edge of her mask. "You were always my favorite. I felt there was hope for you and I'm glad I was right."

"I thought it was time for a change. I will admit your methods are...unusual, but..." She shrugged.

"As long as you plan to stay, nothing else matters."

She nodded. "Nothing else."


A/N: IDKKKK OK? part 2 or meh?

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