Chapter 13: Closure and Redemption

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Waning moonlight etched the creaking ship's silhouette in silver relief against frothing waves. But calm skies belied the turmoil churning Jack and Rose's knotted guts. At Marie's trembling insistence, their modest spiritualist circle sailed again towards Titanic's frigid tomb, fateful rendezvous with whatever damned psychic forces still raged trapped across the living's tranquil veil.

Further scholarly research had illuminated likely channels bridging the 1912 disaster to present paranormal rapports savaging their sleep and sanity until new reckoning was forced. Tonight finally below the bitter stars they called outright the lingering ghosts demanding still some unfinished settlement beforeSpectral peace or mortal sanity restored. Let consequences echo through the ages so truth repressed for generations no longer stalked innocent dreamers unaware...

"We speak tonight on behalf heaven forfeit!" Marie's voice rang sharp across the icy gale though her trusting frame quaked predictorily with remembered violation. "Let all mistreated dead draw near receiving solace owed too long deferred unjustly so!" Her long hair and lambskin coat alike lashed intemperate framing sibylline intensity directed over the black waves heaving indifferent toward all earthly complaint.

Anatoly groaned blasphemous dismissal through vodka breath but still gripped the wheel with whitened knuckles belying transparent efforts exuding casual disinterest at coming damnable séance. Lingering terror and outrage on Professor Brice and Donald's faces better reflected the group's bone-sheathed anxiety confronting their tormentor wraiths now unmasked by labored research and hardscrabble legacy. Only Jack and Rose kept hollow gazes rooted ahead, scarred survivors transformed protectors for innocents predating their recent births. All who followed answered alone to inner compulsions no outside exorcist magic could absolve if restitution and peace remained stillborn...

As shrieking winds mounted heralding the open sea, Marie's quavering demand roared again heedless against swelling fury. "Spirits yet chained to cruel iron fate! We beseech parlay toward your liberation!" Eyes closed against stinging brine, she raised beseeching arms tipping her beautiful face skyward to entreat the roiling firmament hiding all secrets and balms just past frigid reach. But there could be no turning back from such perilous summons this time. For good or insanity they were committed charting the wreck's Sangreal revelation. Damned consequences be to any seeking now to flee this completed circle keel-hauled fast toward destiny and hidden currents without mariner mark or name...

Round the canted decks shuffling uneasy the outland tableau might resemble gray mummer parody of pious fishermen excepting their haunted eyes and laboratory arcana shrouding every surface against supernatural unknowns. If seaborne Beelzebub instead arose answering cold call this forsaken night would not some vessel yet living return by dawn to home harbors again? The starlit sea chopped glacier reflection mocking healthy skepticism so far beyond rulesvalidate rationale. But mortal mettle forges on knowing respite won't be granted while souls shriek yet despairing within Davy Jones' endless frigid abyss...

As arctic fathoms closed overhead, Marie raised cracking voice chanting the clinquant Baltic ritual gleaned from old captain's log chronicling a previous disastrous entanglement when abyssal forces shattered sane bounds caging them cleanly from warm lit hearths or berths. The familiar words spiraled uncanny power prickling hide and reason alike now that the black haunted site swam closer under shuddering screws...Anatoly spat Slavic curses struggling the wheel now convulsing serpentine against steady compass points wavering nondirectional. Rationality and civilized balance slowly unraveled they're so deep....

The submerged colossus ghosted first faint then looming immense through silt haze and bobbing lamps glare. A massive nail keel shoulder erupted sudden near their tiny craft, Jack seizing Rose hard against the rail before crushing impact inevitable as judgment. But instead of cold iron and oak veneer, ectoplasmic portal shimmered liquid there reflecting their battered ship encapsuled by hideous faces screaming soundless into the churn. Crewmen shrieked panicking before the shear unholy vision framed so tangible but cradle ephemeral as smoke against the creaking hull...

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