Collision Course

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Joshua's eyes fluttered open as the sunlight streamed into his dorm room at Seventeen Dorm. 

He reached for his phone on the bedside table and squinted at the screen.

"Oh no!" he exclaimed, seeing the time. "I overslept!"

In a rush, he swung his legs out of bed and leaped up

"Late, late, late!" he muttered to himself, a frantic urgency in his movements.

 As he sprinted towards the bathroom, his toe collided with the side table.

"Ouch! What the—!" Joshua yelled, cursing at the offending piece of furniture. 

He hopped around, cradling his injured foot. "This is not a good time!"

Attempting to regain his composure, he took a step forward and promptly tangled his foot in the carpet, sending him crashing to the floor.

"Seriously?" he grumbled, scrambling back onto his feet. "I need to get it together."

Ignoring the throbbing pain in his toe, Joshua stumbled into the bathroom. 

A quick splash of water on his face and a rushed toothbrush session later, he emerged, feeling slightly more awake. 

It was then that he noticed something was off.

"Why does this shirt feel weird?" he mumbled, tugging at the collar. 

His eyes widened as he realized he had put it on backward. "Ugh, seriously?"

With an annoyed grumble, Joshua swiftly corrected his fashion blunder. 

Just as he finished, his phone began to ring loudly. 

He snatched it up, and Seungkwan's frantic voice echoed from the other end.

"Hyung! Where are you? We're all waiting in the main room! I'm going to kill you if you're late again!"

"I know, I know!" Joshua replied, glancing at the clock. "I'm on my way. Just give me a minute."

Seungkwan huffed impatiently before shouting, "Hurry up! We can't hold things up for you!"

As Joshua rushed to gather his belongings, he couldn't help but think that it was going to be one of those days.

Joshua burst through the door of the main room, where the rest of the Seventeen members were already gathered, indulging in their breakfast.

"I'm here! Sorry, guys, I overslept," Joshua announced apologetically, trying to catch his breath.

Jeonghan, with a mischievous grin, pointed to an empty seat next to him. "No worries, Shua. You can sit here. I saved the best seat for you."

Joshua rolled his eyes, taking the offered seat. "Thanks, but I don't need special treatment."

Jeonghan leaned in, a playful smirk on his face. "You sure about that? I could make your morning better."

Joshua, unamused, shot back, "Just eat and save your charm for someone who cares."

Jeonghan chuckled, unfazed. "You know you love it."

Ignoring Jeonghan's antics, Joshua turned serious. "By the way, don't you have to go to a date with Sorim today?"

Jeonghan sighed dramatically. "Yeah, but she can compromise when it comes to you. It's different."

Rolling his eyes again, Joshua shook his head. "You're hopeless, Jeonghan."

As Joshua started eating, the other members seized the opportunity to tease him about being late.

"Mornings aren't your thing, huh, Josh hyung?" Mingyu teased with a smirk.

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