The Rise of Arguments

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Ryumi's voice echoed through the quiet morning, "RJ, wake up! You're going to be late for the gym!"

RJ groaned, pulling the blanket over her head, "Ugh, I don't want to go to the gym."

Ryumi, persistent, replied, "Come on, RJ! You can't quit after just a week. Get up and get moving!"

RJ peeked out from under the blanket, "Why can't you go instead? I'm not in the mood."

Ryumi chuckled, "I have a yoga class, remember? Can't skip that. Now, up you go!"

RJ, still resisting, mumbled from under the blanket, "Yoga sounds nice. Can't we trade?"

Ryumi laughed, "Nice try, RJ. But gym it is for you. Now, chop-chop!"

RJ finally gave in, throwing the blanket aside with a dramatic sigh. "Fine, fine. But only because you're so annoyingly persistent."

Ryumi grinned, "Annoyingly persistent is my middle name. Now, get dressed, and I'll make some coffee for both of us."

RJ rolled her eyes but began to shuffle out of bed. "Coffee might make this gym torture more bearable."

Ryumi teased, "See, you're starting to appreciate my genius morning strategies."

RJ emerged from the bathroom, now dressed in her gym clothes, ready to face the impending workout. 

Ryumi handed her a cup of coffee with a smirk, "There you go, fuel for the gym warrior."

RJ took a sip, playfully retorting, "More like fuel for the annoying morning drill sergeant."

Ryumi chuckled, "Drill sergeant? I prefer the term 'motivational guru.'"

RJ raised an eyebrow, "Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night."

They continued their banter, exchanging light-hearted remarks as they enjoyed their coffee. 

RJ then glanced at the clock and her eyes widened, "Oh no, I'm getting late!"

Ryumi teased, "Late for a date with the treadmill? Hurry up, gym warrior!"

RJ quickly grabbed her gym bag and rushed towards the door. "I'll see you later. Try not to miss me too much."

Watching RJ leave, Ryumi made a playful comment to herself, "If only she put this much effort into enjoying the gym as she does avoiding it." She chuckled, taking another sip of her coffee, ready to embrace her own morning routine.

Inside Seventeen Dorm...

Seventeen members gathered around the breakfast table, exchanging funny banter and engaging in their usual morning antics.

DK laughed, "Did anyone else dream about flying cats last night, or was it just me?"

Seungkwan chimed in, "Flying cats? You must have been watching too many weird videos before bed."

Woozi added, "I dreamt I was late for a concert, but my guitar turned into a giant noodle. Weird dreams, huh?"

Just then, Joshua walked in, looking a bit hurried. "Hey, guys, I'm going to the gym. I'll catch up with you later."

Jeonghan raised an eyebrow, "The gym? Since when did you become a fitness enthusiast?"

Hoshi jumped in, "Maybe he's trying to impress someone."

Joshua chuckled, "No, no. Just trying something new."

Mingyu teased, "Wow, Joshua, changing your habits after one bad day. You're really evolving."

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