Reviving Connections

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Joshua rubbed his eyes as he groggily responded to the knocking on his door. "Come in."

Sooha entered with a bright smile, her energy was seemingly boundless. "Good morning, Joshua! Rise and shine. Everyone's already in the main room. We've got some news, and I thought you'd want to hear it."

Joshua yawned, still adjusting to the waking world. "What news? Is everything okay?"

Sooha nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, everything's more than okay. You won't believe what happened last night. Get ready quickly, and I'll fill you in on all the details. It's worth it, I promise."

Joshua raised an eyebrow. "Alright, alright. I'm getting up. But you better make it good."

Sooha laughed. "Oh, trust me, it's good. Meet us in the main room as soon as you can."

Joshua hurriedly got ready, his mind raced with curiosity. What could have happened last night that had Sooha this excited? He couldn't wait to find out.

He stepped into the main room, greeted by the lively atmosphere of the Seventeen members. Laughter and banter filled the air as he joined the group.

Seungkwan, always the talkative one, couldn't resist teasing Joshua. "Well, well, look who decided to join the land of the living. Did you have sweet dreams about our mysterious girl, Joshua hyung?"

Joshua rolled his eyes, pretending annoyance. "Seungkwan, don't you ever get tired of talking about her? I'm sure she's just a regular person."

Seungkwan grinned mischievously. "Regular or not, she's the talk of the town. Maybe you should get to know her better."

Joshua sighed, realizing the teasing wouldn't stop anytime soon. He spotted Sooha, who motioned for him to take a seat. 

Curiosity sparked in his eyes as he settled in, ready for whatever news awaited him.

Hoshi, always the mood-maker, couldn't resist adding his own flair. "Joshua hyung, you missed the morning excitement. Sooha has something to tell us, and it's apparently mind-blowing!"

Sooha grinned, relishing the moment. "Okay, everyone, gather around. Last night, something incredible happened!"

She couldn't contain her excitement as she dropped the bombshell on the unsuspecting Seventeen members. She watched their faces closely, a mischievous grin on her lips.

"So, here's the big reveal," Sooha announced, drawing everyone's attention. "Last night, we discovered something that will blow your minds. Brace yourselves, guys. RJ... lives in the same building as S.Coups and me!"

The room erupted in a chorus of shocked gasps and surprised remarks.

Seungkwan, always dramatic, clutched his chest. "What? In the same building? Are you serious?"

Dino, seizing the moment to shine, flexed his muscles and chimed in, "Oh, I was there, witnessing the revelation. I even saw RJ's adorable puppy, Rio. This is like a scene from a drama!"

Seungkwan, unable to contain his excitement, exclaimed, "This is like a plot twist in a drama! Your neighbor is the mysterious girl from Joshua hyung's encounters!"

Joshua, though surprised, tried to maintain his composure. "Well, I guess life is full of surprises."

The atmosphere was filled with a mix of curiosity and excitement as the members engaged in various activities. 

However, the topic of Joshua's encounters with RJ seemed to be the center of attention.

Seungkwan couldn't help himself and started the conversation, "Guys, can you believe Joshua hyung's mysterious girl is our neighbor?"

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