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My heart raced, a whirlwind of emotions gripping me in their tumultuous hold. The weight of fate's cruelty pressed down, an unbearable truth I couldn't shake.

The fear creeps in like an insidious fog, seeping into every corner of my mind. Knox and Xander, my eternal loves, remain timeless, untouched by the relentless march of time. Immortal. Yet, here I stand, a mere mortal, feeling the weight of mortality press upon me with each passing heartbeat.

What if this is where our paths diverge? What if my existence, so transient and fragile, succumbs to the inevitability of time, leaving them to traverse eternity without me? The thought grips me in a vice-like hold, my chest tightening with an inexplicable ache.

"There has to be a way," I cried out, jumping off the bed, my anxiety consuming me. Gnawing on my nails, and pacing on the plush carpet, I couldn't contain the fear that gripped me.

Knox, sensing my distress, approached and gently pried my hand from my mouth. "And we will find one," he murmured, his voice a soothing comfort.

My eyes, filled with tears, pleaded with a question I couldn't voice. Xander's sorrowful gaze met mine. "Adelaide..."

"I don't understand this," I whispered, my voice trembling. Tears traced my cheeks. "How could we be meant to be one, only for death to easily tear that away?"

"We will find a way," Knox reassured, his determination unyielding.

"I can't...I can't lose you both," I lamented, my vulnerability laid bare.

I never imagined love like this—endless, consuming, yet painfully fragile. It's a cruel twist, isn't it? To be bound by a love that transcends time, only to have the ticking clock of mortality threaten to tear it asunder. It's an ache that digs deeper than flesh and bone, seeping into the very essence of my being. Knox and Xander, my anchors in this tempest of existence, eternal yet untouchable.

"And you won't," Xander vowed, his voice gentle yet resolute.

"How can you say that?" My voice quivered, teetering on the edge of desperation.

"Come here, darling," Xander beckoned, offering solace amidst the storm of emotions.

Approaching the bed, the same bed that moments ago overwhelmed me with emotions, Xander enveloped me in his arms, while Knox stood close, a comforting presence on my other side. Tears welled up, cascading down my cheeks.

"I knew you'd cry the first time in this bed, but I thought it would be from pleasure," Knox attempted to lighten the mood.

I chuckled, though tears persisted. "Can you be serious?"

"When the time needs him to be," Xander interjected softly.

"Isn't this a time?" I questioned, my concern evident.

"Nothing will take you from us, not even death," Knox affirmed, his conviction unwavering.

"How can you be so sure?" My voice trembled.

"Like you said, we are bound together. So there must be a way," Knox reasoned, his belief steadfast.

"I know of witches that have rid themselves of their magic, but it's a dangerous thing," Xander cautioned, worry etched in his expression.

"So there is a way?" My hope flickered amidst caution.

The fear of losing them, of being robbed of this extraordinary connection, claws at my soul. I want to defy fate, to rewrite the rules that dictate our separation. But how? How do you defy something as immutable as time itself? Their assurances offer solace, but the uncertainty lingers like a haunting melody.

Book I: Near Death Experience (18+) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now