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After Knox and I cleaned each other up and he gave me a mind-boggling orgasm, we headed back to the estate. If only we knew what was waiting for us.

As we drove back, tension brewed in the air, thick and palpable. The gates, usually a quiet entrance, were alive with urgency-men rushing, their voices merging into a chaotic symphony. Confusion etched my features as I turned to Knox, seeking an explanation. His muttered words in Norwegian added to the enigma, the gravity in his tone sending an unexpected chill down my spine as he locked eyes with me and issued a commanding, "Stay."

What's going on?

I remained in the car, a spectator to the unfolding drama. Knox stepped out, a magnetic authority emanating from him, his men bowing in reverence as he strode past them with a commanding presence. My gaze wandered, attempting to decipher the commotion outside. Against Knox's directive, I defied his order and opened the car door. The frigid air bit at my skin as I stepped onto the snow-covered ground, a gasp catching in my throat.

Vultures-lifeless, their necks grotesquely twisted, forming a macabre line against the pristine white snow. Crimson bled into the snow, pooling and melting together from the heat.

"Adelaide!" Laced with urgency and concern, a familiar voice pierced through the chaos. Xander, with his distinct English accent, hurried towards me, followed closely by Elijah. He enveloped me in a protective embrace, his scent of pine momentarily soothing my nerves, though my wide eyes remained fixated on the grim scene before us.

"Where were you?" Xander's voice held an edge, his gaze searching my face as the world seemed to slow down amidst the uproar. Knox's enraged commands echoed around us, his anger palpable. I watched as Knox's eyes were filled with wrath as he spoke in his language to the guards, but Xander's hand pulled my chin to face him once again to answer him.

"A bar. We went to a bar," I managed to utter, my voice barely audible amid the chaos.

Knox approached, his icy stare locking onto Xander. "Inside. Both of you," he demanded, the words cutting through the turmoil.

Xander's grip tightened around my arm as he guided me towards the estate, his urgency mirrored in his stride. My gaze briefly connected with Elijah's, a mix of emotions swirling in his eyes, a sense of foreboding creeping over me before Xander's pull redirected my attention.

"Neither of you told me that you were leaving," Xander's voice resonated with disappointment and concern.

"I needed to get out of there, Xander," I defended, my voice tinged with frustration. The words still swirling in my mind, "Shared a few beauties in our time." I could feel the anger boiling in my veins, deep breaths holding together the only sanity I had.

"Do you understand that when the guards told me that birds were flying into the estate killing themselves, and you both were nowhere to be found?" Xander's tone held a weight of worry.

"I wouldn't have had to leave if your friend wasn't a complete and utter asshole," I retorted, my emotions raw.

"Elijah is just trying to help, why do you not understand that?" Xander's attempt at reasoning fell on strained ears.

"You said nothing. Nothing when he insulted me!" My frustration spilled out, a lingering hurt in my voice.

"Adelaide..." Xander attempted to calm the escalating tension.

"No. I don't want to hear it," I cut him off, my resolve firm.

Elijah approached, his presence accompanied by Knox.

Book I: Near Death Experience (18+) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now