You and my scars

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You are the cause of my scars.

After you kissed my inner scars, you made them outer.You became the outside and the inside, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to heal.

What scares me the most is that you've left me in a position where I'll never be able to have a healthy relationship again, after all, what you called love was just lies.

They were painful lies, but what hurt most is that I was incapable of doing that with you, which leads me to ask...-Am I stupid or do I just have the empathy that you didn't have?It hurt even more that you laughed when I cried, I think you always had the pleasure of making me like this, but maybe I didn't notice.

Maybe I didn't notice because I was blindly in love.

But how could she be so blindly in love? How could I? After all this time, I still wonder.

There was no reason to love you, you had more faults than qualities, you made me cry more than laugh. Could it be that my love for you was too unconditional and that sabotaged me?

After all, no matter what you did, I would always forgive you and love you (and maybe I still do). It didn't matter if you treated me badly, if you shouted at me, if you spoke badly about me, about my personality and if my only quality for you was my body.In the end, it didn't matter, but I'd like to know at what point I decided to accept that.

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