Part 2: What to do

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(The Next day, Capricorn went to the Zodiac hangout, expecting to see the rest of the Zodiac gang. But when she enters, only Taurus was there)

Taurus: Hi Capricorn.

Capricorn: Taurus? Where are the others?

Taurus: Uhhhhhh... I think Aries is sick?

Capricorn: Ugh, they're probably celebrating Chris- That holiday.

(Capricorn sits down on the couch)

Capricorn: So, like, what do you want to do today?

(Taurus thinks for a minute. Just then, a loud noise was heard outside)

Taurus: Duh, Sorry, I hadn't eaten breakfast yet.

Capricorn: Like, I don't think that's your stomach bull brain.

(Capricorn and Taurus head outside to see a truck pulling a large Christmas tree, and Capricorn couldn't believe her eyes, and she despised it)

Taurus: Oh boy! That is a great Christmas tree!

Capricorn: Three times bigger? That's like a fifty times bigger!

Taurus: It's great, isn't it!

(Capricorn turns red in the face)

Capricorn: No, it isn't! Ugh, like, I hate it, hate it!

(Capricorn storms off)

(Later that night, the night before Chistmas, everyone was gathered in the middle of Astral city, and the Chistmas tree was lit up with colorful lights)

(Meanwhile, Capricorn looked through the crowds, the sounds an lights and her ears heard the thump of there joy and delights. And as she looked around her, she felt down right scared, as everyone continued to not really care. As Capricorn headed home, she see it now. All the girls and boys would be bright and early. They'd rush for there toys! And then the noise! Oh the noise! Noise! Noise! Noise! That's only one thing she hated! The Noise! Noise! Noise! Noise! Then they would sit down for a  feast. And they'd Feast! And they'd Feast! And then, they would do songs she liked least of all! They'd all gather around the tree, and they would start to sing)

Capricorn: And they'll sing! And they'll sing! And they'll sing! Sing! Sing! Sing! Sing!

(As Capricorn entered her house, and the more she thought about the Sing, the more she thought)

Capricorn: Like, I must stop this whole thing! So many years I've put up with it now! I must stop this Christmas from coming!.... Buy how?

(Then she Got an Idea! And awful idea! Capricorn got a wonderful, Awful idea!)

Capricorn: I know just what to do.

How the Capricorn Stole Christmas (An MWGG "show" season 1 Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now