6: First Transformation

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They ride on horse... going to the forest.

"So... We're not allowed to rush?" Marco head around and looked at Jean. "R-Right." Jean replied. "We'd also be stupid If we did. We can take our time."

I looked at Jean. "Huh? You don't know your lower limit." I told him. "Jean, if you're going to take it slow, then I'm going ahead." I ride away.

"Ere, wait!" Armin shouted, Marco blocked me. "But, the formation of the group... what do we do, Jean?" Marco asked Jean. "Like I care!" Jean replied. "Extra effort have won't get me into the Military Police." "That's not true... In any case. Let's get on with the exercise." Marco said.

"You remember? I am 1st?" I asked Marco.

"Right. I forgot... what do you want to going?" Marco asked. We will going to the forest and need find animals." I replied.

"YEAHHHHH I WANTED EAT MEAL" Sasha yelled. Everyone stare at Sasha. "I know we are hungry... we need setting the camp." I said.

They arrive at the Forest.

Christa noticed the footsteps. "Hey everyone, someone here..." she shouted. everyone saw footsteps. "Huh? someone here..." Mina said. "I see. but sunset very soon. What should I do... I need food." Armin asked, everyone stare at me.

"My plan... Sasha, Jean, and Connie will hunt animals, Mina, Marco, and Armin will going to explore someone... I and Christa will setting camp." I told them, they just nodding.

They went... Me and Christa setting camp quick... "Hey Eren." I looked at Christa. "Yeah, Christa?" I replied. "If someone here? then wh-" I put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Historia They will take them." I replied with smiled. 

Historia nodding. I kissed her cheek, make her blushing. "Huh. why you kis-" "Don't worry. No see me." I pat her hair. She hugging me quick and kiss on my lips. "Historia..." I stating lick on her mouth feel soft. 

We stopped and looked other. "Historia, Do you still missed your sister Frieda?" I asked. Her eyes widened. "Yeah..." "Your father is still alive, he wanted to take founding back... and kidnapping you and me." I replied. "Kidnapping me and you?" Historia question.

"Your father's goal to take founding back... mean you will eat me and get to back... I can't use founding power because I don't have a royal blood... you have but you don't have titan power... I need contact Titan of Royal Blood like Dina or Zeke..." I explained, she was shock grew. "Who is Zeke or Dina?" she asked again.

"Zeke is my half brother... Dind was my dad's first wife... I have perfect plan... I will need her feed someone with titan power." I explained. 

"Eren, we arrive!" someone called me. I heard. "They coming... Don't tell anyone." I told her nodding.

I saw Connie, Sasha, and Jean carry two chicken. "Look good... Who can cook chicken?" I asked "Me! I can cook!" Sasha shouted and excited. "Thank you, Sasha." I repleid smiled.

50 minutes later. Armin, Marco, and Mina coming. "Did you find someone?" I asked them. "No. I can't find someone." Armin replied. "I see... Food ready."

Everyone eat chicken. "So this is what squad supplies taste like... It would've been better if we'd caught the lizard. Enough. I've heard enough about lizards." Connie said.

I sighed "Enough. I've heard enough about lizards." "Weren't you hunting one just now?" Sasha replied.

Jean stopped eat. "Well, we are supposed to hunt titans, right?" I heard and anger. "And what do you mean by that?" I stand up and front of Jean. "Why did you even join the training corps?"  Jean stand up and same me. "To live something better than a humble life, at the very least." I got mad. " What did you say?!"

Everyone stare at me. "Some things can be tolerated, and others can't!" I said. Armin grab paper and almost write. "It's fine, Armin! It's just a chat during mealtime."

"You think that when a real titan shows up the results of training hard will pay off?" Jean said with smirk. I stare at Jean "You damn!!!" I grab on his shirts. Jean and me start fought. "Stop it!" Christa shouted. "How about we actually hunt lizards?" Sasha trying stop them. "You'll feel better after that!" 

"That's my line you bastard! Shut up!" I yelled. Everyone trying to stop me and Jean. "Do you think you will win and beat titans?" Jean shouted. "I will! You bastard!!!" I replied and punch his face. 

Christa noticed a man walked away and got scared. "Hey guys!" she said quietly. they keep fought...


Everyone was slept... Christa sit of front the lake. 

Christa see the lake and hear someone footsteps... she looked around at the forest. She feel scared and motionless. Someone footsteps behind me and Christa looked back at him.

I heard someone footsteps and wake up. 

I know Historia was kidnapped by them... I need hurry up before they find me. I thought

I got 3D Gear and hide. Kidnapper arrive and steal 3D Gears... Everyone wake up and frozen, they notice Eren not here

"Where is Eren?" Armin asked. they was speechless and gun point at people.

They stand and see kidnapper ride on horse to away. "Where is Eren?" Sasha asked. 

"I don't know Where is Eren.... maybe he disappear or died?" Jean replied with shake. "We can't take Christa back beacuse we have no weapon... What should i doing." Marco said.


"Don't move. If you move then I'll kill you?" Man told her. "Hey. Don't shoot her... she is our bountry!" Man leader shouted. She was speechless. Man leader noticed someone stand front of him.

"Who is he?" man asked. "What are you doing??? Move away!!! If you not move then I wil-" Everyone noticed at man yellow lighting. "What is that?" man said.

I turn a Titan and stare them. they was shock and scared. "TITAN!!!!!!!" Man scaream, they trying run away. I grab man and crush them. Christa heard someone said "TITAN!!!!!" Christa eyes widen in fear and shake. She was frozen and motionless.

"How??? Human turn a titan??" man saw and scared. I grab and eat him, he scream. They shot at me it not work. I kept crush them and eat them. I saw Christa kneeling and frozen then I walked to close her to looked up at me. I kneeling and stare at her face.

Titan won't attack or crush me? Why he saved me from kidnappers? Historia thought

My titan form started emitting steam. She was confuesd and saw me. I out from titan's nape. Historia eyes widened "Eren?" Historia replied in confused, I walked to close her. "Are you okay, Historia?" I asked. She nodding and asked me. "You told me... you Titan Shifter? you turn a titan and saved me?" I nodding. "I did." I replied. She hugged me quick and tear, I hugged her back.

"I am all right." I stopped hug her and off. "Please back to my camp... Don't tell anyone I am a titan shifter remember?" I asked, she nodding.

me and Historia back to everyone and noticed at me here.

"Eren? Christa?" Marco said in shock. "How?" 

"I came to save Christa... and killed them with my 3D gear." I replied, everyone was shock. "Y-You killed them?" Jean said in shock and shake. "Because they kidnapped her... then I killed them to saved her"

"Yeah He saved me from kidnappers and killed them I saw him killed them with 3D gear." Historia replied.

Everyone kept question on me and Historia.


Everyone arrive at other team B.

"Eren killed kidnappers and saved Christa?" Mikasa said in shock and walk to close me. "Are you all right? Eren?" "I am fine." I replied. 

Annie, Bertholdt, and Reiner thought

He killed them? He feel no hurt... he a titan shifter? noo He don't know titans. Impossible. Annie thought.

They kept thought of mysterious Eren.


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