Love is putting someone needs before yours, love is little hurts but still you won't stop doing that, love is beautiful but still scary, love is the feeling of joy, love is loving them but not forgetting who you are, love is one-sided, love is unconditional, love is unstoppable, love is simple, love is missing someone every second like they came and never left your mind,Love is trusting someone that you don't have to hide your childishness in front of them you can be clumsy rather then being mature in front of them, Love is caring about someone so much, Love do not means to hurt yourself, Love is not about self harm, Love is loving them and loving yourself too, You can't love anyone if you don't love yourself first, Love is listening to someone for hours and not get bored even if the topic is not much interested to you,Love is seeing someone worst and great version but still choosing to stay, Love is never getting tired of someone, love is even a second of there glance of them is happiness, love can't be described in words it's far more then that.