𝑺𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝟐𝟗 (𝑳𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑼𝒑𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆)

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Arvind's Residence.

Garima sitting on the bed with her back resting on the headboard stared down at a sleeping Arvind holding her hand.

All these years she taught Arvind had stopped the habit of holding her hand in his sleep but he still does it.

She gently removed the hair kissing his beautiful forehead with her other hand making Arvind stir in his sleep.

"Why are you friends with such dangerous people if your business is a legit and genuine one? " Garima thought as she remembered her conversation with Payal, Mohan, Aman, and Sunil the detective in charge of their mission.


It's been months now since they have been meeting in secret and as the detectives dug more into Arvind's activities in the past decades, they realized he wasn't in any gang or dealing in illegal businesses like they thought he was.

In fact, they found out Arvind has not completely abandoned Arnav and Anjali like they thought when it was revealed he was Arnav's sponsor for his education at Harvard.

Accommodation, food, books, and fees were paid by an account that was traced to Arvind Malik until his accident eight years ago which left him in a coma for years.

"I think we are wrong about Arvind Malik. " Mohan exclaimed breaking the reverie of shock that had engulfed them since the revelation. "All the records we have of him have nothing incriminating to it and it looks like he would have never let Anjali marry Shyam if he hadn't been in a coma due to his accident....... Look at Shyam who is now a walking dead in prison all because of Arvind's influence. "

Garima stood up abruptly which took everyone aback.

"I can't do this anymore. " Garima uttered in a very serious and stern voice shocking Payal, Aman, and Mohan but not Sunil the detective as he saw her caving months ago but kept quiet.

"You can't be serious. "

"I am Payal and I realize I don't deserve to be with you and Khushi or my granddaughter........ I did all this for the three of you and because I thought I could win Shashi back but I realize now that I can never really love Shashi the way I love Arvind. " Garima sat back down as they all stared at her silently and in disbelief. "A few days ago I saw the woman you said Madhu introduced to Shashi months ago and I didn't feel jealous or possessive or angry I felt happy for Shashi seeing him smiling with her unlike Arvind whom I had fired two helps for trying to flirt with him. " Garima paused and chuckled and they felt the softness and love for Arvind in her voice. "I thought he was a danger to you and the family but now I realize what he told me was true..... He did have the accident and tried to be in their lives without them knowing. "

"Wait what did he tell you? " Aman asked as they all stared at her with peek interest and curiosity.

Garima sighed and took a sip of her drink.

"Arvind told me he was going to get Anjali and Arnav back from Raizada Haveli in Udaipur three weeks after the incident at Sheesh Mahal but he arrived at Anjali having a nervous breakdown yelling at how she hated Arvind and blaming him for everything that happened and Arnav sitting at the corner emotionless looking like a ghost...... He felt responsible for it and realized how much damage he had done by punishing Anjali and Arnav for what Ratna and his mother did to him. "

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