8 - Troll in the Dungeons!

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Amidst the excited crowd around you, as the sorting ceremony continues, your eyes glanced at the boy beside you, whose dark-brown eyes bore into your face. He did not smile. Neither did he look joyous, but he was not frowning either. He held a stoic face, devoid of any emotion you could decipher as he addressed you with only a blink. His cold view didn't deter you from giving him a smile, though.

You were dreaming again, weren't you?

The Great Hall couldn't be any more gorgeous than now. The stars in which the faux ceiling had flickered more brightly than before, and the candles that floated overhead appeared more lively. You could tell you were seated amongst the Slytherins, but the pompous blonde Draco sported was nowhere to be seen.

All that was in your attention was the boy sitting next to you. It made your heartbeat go a little quicker.

"Hello!" You could not hear yourself, but you could feel your mouth moving. "I suppose we will be working together from now on, so I'd love to get to know you. I am [Name] [Surname], how about yours?"

He didn't reply, but a voice from behind seized your curiosity before you could emit another word. Turning around, you saw another boy waving down at you from the Ravenclaw's table with a big smile plastered on his freckled face. You felt your body move involuntarily to wave back, your smile broadening into a grin. You returned to the person next to you a second later and the one-sided conversation you were having.

"That's my brother, Gideon [Surname]. It's quite a shame we weren't sorted in the same house, but it's fine."

You felt confused at this. When did you ever have a brother?

'Nonetheless, this was just a dream, is it not?'

Still no response from him.

"Come on, now! We'll be cooperating with each other for the next seven years. I at least wanted to step on the right foot with everybody— starting with you." You pointed at your smile. "I'm very altruistic, I swear."

A spark of intrigue ignited in his dark eyes and was the only sign you needed to have hope. He stared at you a few more before quietly sighing, a smirk lifting at the corners of his lips. When he finally spoke, you felt your heart skip a beat.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintances, [Surname]. I am Tom Riddle, but you may simply call me Tom."

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