The Boy In The Rain - Chapter Two

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Dan's POV

We walk for a while, neither of us talking. I start to limp after falling face first into him. I cringe at the memory, physically shivering at my awkwardness. He offers to help me walk. I take up his offer and try not to notice how firm and warm his grip is, how comforting his arm is wrapped around my back to steady me.

"Hey." It's Phil, his soft voice rousing me from my daydream. I must've zoned out. "Earth to Daniel Howell?" He laughs, his whole face lighting up like he's just told the best joke in the world.
"Don't call me that," I shiver, "It feels like you're telling me off,"
"Kinky," the black-haired boy giggles at me. How can a single human being be so happy? I don't know but it seems to be rubbing off on me. My face starts to loosen and I smile.

We walk a little further along until we reach a small children's playground. It's a little sad really, with its flaking bright paint, ancient swings that appear to have lived generations, creaking in the drizzle. I mutter something about my leg and we agree to sit in the park. Phil half-carries, half-drags me to the swings and plops me down. He sits next to me.

"So Philip," I say, popping the 'P', "Tell me about yourself,"

"I don't know where to start," he says, finger on his lips in faux thought. "Well, my name is Philip Michael Lester and I'm twenty four years old, I'm unemployed and-"
"Not that kind of stuff," I interrupt, "Things you like, don't like. Interests, what makes you happy or even what makes you sad. I want to get to know you."

He takes a deep breath, and tells me. You know when you watch someone talk about something they're really passionate about? The way their face just lights up? This is what is happening to Phil right now as he spews out his life. We talk about pokémon and video games, debate favourite Muse albums and enthuse about Anime. Phil talks about the little details in life too, how he loves sunsets and how he can never get his socks to match. I laugh along with him, completely enthralled by his every word.

When he eventually asks me about my life, I feel as if everything I could have possibly said I have already. I honestly don't know what to say. So I just tell him the basics. I feel like I'm cheating him a bit, considering he just poured out his soul. I tell him that I'm nineteen, studying law at university. I tell him I how I hate it, how I wish I could be doing something else. I tell him that I don't like jaffa cakes, silly little things like that. But what I don't tell him, what I'm scared to tell anyone, is this;

I'm gay.

There, I've said it. But every time I try to say it, try to own up to myself, the words won't come out no matter how hard I try. No matter how much I force them out, they just won't. I've hid this part away for so long because I'm afraid. Afraid of what might happen, how many friends I'll lose, if my parents would disown me. But what scares me the most is falling in love with someone who will never love me back.

I've zoned out again and when I wake from that daydream, Phil is gently shaking me awake. "Dan," he says in a singsong tone. He's stood up from his decrepit swing and is gently pushing mine "Daniel, wake up," I open my brown eyes and meet his stunning blue ones. No, on second inspection they're three colours; blue, green, and dotted with flecks of gold. Breathtaking.

"You went into a daydream again," he says, staring at me with his beautiful eyes. "I think that's what I'm going to call you. Daniel Daydream. I like it, suits you." I should flinch at the pet name, but I don't. Instead I just smile.

We stay for a while longer, chatting. Lazily swinging until the sun starts to set behind the clouds. The weather cheered up considerably, the sky painted with red and orange hues, the clouds lined with gold. It's a spectacular sight.

"Wow." I breathe, taken aback by the view, all the wind almost knocked from my lungs at just the sheer beauty of the spectacle.
"I know," whispers Phil from the swing next to me.

I don't know long we stay there, just staring but it feels like a second of eternity just passed. It begins to get dark and Phil tells me that he has to get back. I nod sadly, not wanting him to leave.

"Could I- er, have your number?" I ask, slightly flustered. Lucky for me the lack of light obscures my blushing cheeks.
"Sure," he replies. I hand him my phone and he types in his number, adding himself as a contact. He says goodbye and I leave, a new strange feeling filling my heart.


Finally got chapter 2 up yay!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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