Chapter 2

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Saanvi Pov:

Yes, proceed four steps forward, turn, and proceed once more until you reach the center. Then, turn, walk inside, and it is Priya's turn. said Jia, the choreographer for my show.

My fashion show is today, and we are doing everything we can to make it a success.

For the purpose of continuing to remember their move, the models are performing their final rehearsal on the ramp.

I was making a final inspection of my collection.I would rather not take any chances.

"Pradeep, please check the zipper; I do not want to run the risk of something going wrong."

"No issue, virang (saanvi and sarang's half names)."

"And see how the lace is loose? Just tighten it, please."


In the meantime,

There is just thirty minutes left for my show. As always, I felt anxious.No matter how successful you become, you will always feel anxious the day your talent is going to be displayed in front of others.
I suppose that is just human nature.

"Saanvi, get ready, everyone is starting to arrive, and you are not even close to being ready. Go ahead and get ready while I look over here." said Ankita, my closest friend.She is my darling, my constant companion in all facets of life. At that point, when I needed someone close, she was the only one.I still recall that day from eight years ago.

I started to relive those moments, but I restrained myself so as not to ruin this momentous day.

After getting dressed, I was prepared to rock the ramp and light it on fire.

After getting dressed, I was prepared to rock the ramp and light it on fire

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At the end of the show, it was my turn to enter with the show stopper.

I stroll with assurance, making small talk with each person seated nearby.Everybody began to applaud. I gave them my thanks for coming tonight and shared my designs with them.

"This design was primarily influenced by the ups and downs in my own life."
The color white brings back memories of the tranquility I experienced eight years ago when I lay dying. It was quiet and serene, as if all of my anxieties and tensions had disappeared and left only peace.The second color was also inspired by my father's memories; he used to adore pearl jewelry and would always buy it for me. The third and final color is black, which exudes elegance and classic style while also symbolizing something evil that has elevated you to the top of the world and given you power. That is me—I am royalty. It is motivated by me.I am grateful you could come see me tonight.

He was watching her from a distance, not knowing her, and every word she spoke was piercing to his heart.

Ankita gave me a tight hug and said, "Saanviii!!!, congratulations for the success of the show, you were amazing there."

"So, let us have a party, yeah,"

"Yes, of course!"

Ankita and Saanvi travel to the most renowned club in Delhi with Jia and a few other friends to celebrate.

Vedh pov: 

"Adhi, since you are in Delhi, please bring Saanvi along as well, as you both need to arrive here by morning."
My dad gave me an order. I was listening to him helplessly because I had to obey him because I had no other choice.

"Dad, please do not bother me, this is just a request. I guess she is very much capable of carrying herself."

"Advedh, this is her last show before getting married. You should be there for her, encourage her, and start to feel happy for her since she will soon become your wife."

"Dad, you are well aware that I am not interested in getting married; this is just a business arrangement for me. I would not be getting married otherwise."

"Even so, I would like you to attend her performance this evening. Her mother has asked me to do so. After that, the choice to go or not is yours."

He hung up, and I can not stop debating whether or not to go.
the last seven years I have not actually seen her in person; I have only seen her on television a few times.

In spite of my hatred for her, I still want to be close to her, whether that sounds shameful or disrespectful.

I dressed and headed over to her show. Her mom had already booked the seat for me.

I was shocked to see her designs as soon as the show began and felt a little proud of her." My shona really is talented ,she has done a very good job " wait my shona , No no ..  advedh you cant go to that way again no never , you hate her thats you have to remind every time " i was thinking and cursing my self in mind .

I finally snapped out of my reverie after eight years of craving her voice, and I finally found her.

She looked different, even more stunning, and ravishing there while wearing the white dress. Upon glancing at her, my heart began to race.

And the overwhelming urge to embrace her, carry her out of here, and head straight to the neighboring church to tie the knot.

Once more, I was able to shake off my predatory thoughts as she explained where the designs got their inspiration.

However, what she said on her deathbed drew my attention. "What does she mean? What had happened with her these past few years? Was she afflicted with something I am not aware of? I need to know why she was on her deathbed, so when I see her again later, I will ask her."

She was unaware of me, and as the performance was coming to an end, I started to follow her backstage but stopped myself because I did not know what to say to her and did not want to reveal my face just yet. I will simply bide my time until she leaves before speaking with her and accompanying her to Mumbai. I thought.

I waited outside before spotting her and a couple of her friends leaving, so I decided to follow them. It is possible that they were heading back to their hotel.

However, they arrived at the club. It is not safe for them to be here at this late hour. I followed them inside while thinking this.

Saanvi pov:
People were dancing and even rubbing bodies together as we entered, to the loud music playing.

We arrived at the bar and placed our drink orders.I could feel the alcohol rushing through my head after two and a third shots.

As I turned my chair, I saw a couple at the other end eat each other like there was no tomorrow. and once more I found myself transported back to my past.

When I first encountered him...

Author's note: Please share my book with others, and I will soon be updating the next chapter.
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