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It was 2493 CE when they took control. They were tired of the destruction the humans caused, ranging from wars that soaked the Earth in blood to deforestation and pollution. From what we were taught in school, humans were the dominant species on earth for thousands of years, and our violent tendencies made them go into hiding. During the time the humans were in control they hid in their own villages in fear of extermination, but over time that fear turned into hatred and anger.

It wasn’t until the daughter of a powerful beast was killed by a human that they finally retaliated and fought for power over the humans. The wolves and the witches. This was one of the darkest times in history, filled with death and chaos. The war didn’t last for very long, but it was named ‘The War of Pandemonium’ for a reason. The humans had more advanced technology and greater numbers, but what the wolves and witches lacked in numbers they tripled in sheer strength and abilities no human could ever challenge.

It only took 6 years for the wolves and witches to take control of Earth, enslaving the remaining humans to be the worker drones of their society. This new society is now ruled by the royal family, the Vasilica’s. The Vasilica’s were different from the other wolves, which allowed them to easily take over as the royal family. Why? Well, that is really more up to the beliefs of every individual, some people believe the Vasilica’s were blessed by the witches, others believing that they were genetic mutations. The most popular and widely accepted theory (especially with the wolves) is that the Vasilica’s were blessed by the Moon Goddess, Selene, to give them the strength to overthrow the humans. The daughter that was killed was Cecelia Vasilica, and after her death every remaining Vasilica was suddenly transformed from a wolf to a Lycan.

Lycans were different from wolves in a lot of different ways, but one of the most prominent ways they were different was in their strength and their physique. The unnatural wolves are much like normal wolves with the same build and features; the only striking difference is the unnatural wolves size compared to the normal wolves. The Lycans took on the form of a half-man half-wolf mutation, standing on their wolf-like hind legs with a tail and fur covering their whole body, but their torso and arms much more human than wolf with large hands that turned into razor sharp claws. Their heads were distinctly wolf however with snouts, large teeth, and pointy ears.

As if they needed the claws and teeth when up against a human. Where a human could lift 300 lbs with training, a wolf could lift 600 lbs. Of course, where a wolf could lift 600 lbs, a Lycan could lift over a thousand pounds without even breaking a sweat. I know, ridiculously strong, but that was part of the blessing Selene had given the Vasilica’s. The Vasilica’s that remained after Cecelia’s death were her father, Kristorn, and his 4 remaining children. 3 sons named Alexandru, Vincent, and Rykan, and 1 other daughter named Cordelia. During the war Kristorn was killed, but this only fueled the rage of his children and gave them the strength they needed to win the war. Once the humans surrendered, the remaining Vasilica’s took leadership over the wolves and were crowned as the royal family.

The children had decided to split the lands equally between the 4 of them to build their own kingdoms, Alexandru and Vincent took the western world and Rhykan and Cordelia took the eastern. From there they split the northern and southern parts of each world between each other. Alexandru and Rhykan taking the frozen northern hemispheres of their worlds, and Vincent and Cordelia taking the warm southern hemispheres. You may be asking yourself “What about the Witches? Where did they go?”. Well unlike the wolves, the witches are fairly antisocial creatures, rather than taking land for themselves they instead made a treaty with the wolves to allow them to roam the world as they pleased with no interference from the wolves. In return the witches agreed to be available to Wolves for any magical needs they might have.

Now it is 4136 CE, The 4 kingdoms live in peace with each other and all is well and good for everyone, except for the humans. As punishment, the humans were forced into different packs within the kingdoms, and each pack enslaved the humans to do the dirty work of farming, cleaning, construction and much more. We go to school for 15 years before we are evaluated on our skills and weaknesses. Based on their evaluation, they send us off to whichever job they feel we would be useful and we work there until we die. That is, if we are lucky. At age 20 all humans become eligible for the annual Colectarea, or Gathering.

The Colectarea was created for one simple purpose, for the wolves to be able to find their mates. Mates for wolves are a lot like soulmates for humans, except stronger and real. At age 20, wolves are able to find their mates because their soul and the wolf within them has fully matured. Before the war, the wolves had to search the entire world to find their mate, but once the Vasilica’s came into power they created the Annual Colectarea so wolves could all be in one spot together and find their mates.

However, it isn’t just wolves mating with wolves, but humans could too.
The discovery that wolves and humans could be mates wasn’t new to wolves but, the bond between a wolf and a human isn’t as strong as a bond between 2 wolves. A wolf couldn’t be sure if their human mate was truly theirs without marking them, which came with risks. So the Vasilica’s asked the witches to create a way for the wolves to more easily find their human mate. The witches created a potion that saw into the souls of humans and if there was a wolf attached the human was sent to the Colectarea for their mate to find them.

Like I said before, the lucky humans were just sent to work for the pack until they died from either sickness or old age. The humans that were mated to wolves typically lived a much crueler fate of imprisonment with that wolf. Most of those humans are never seen again, not even by their loved ones. Most of the stories of how the wolves treat their human mates are created by frantic mothers and angry fathers, but if how they treat the rest of the humans is any indication, then the life of a wolf's mate must be horrific.

Heeyyy! So I just started writing this book and I have not edited it thoroughly, so if you notice any grammar issues or anything please comment. Otherwise enjoy the book!

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