Chapter 1

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Howdy :D So I have just started this story but I thought I would be good to at least but up a chapter just to see what people think of it. I'm no pro or anything like that I just fancy making a really good Bella/Alice story. If you could comment and say what you think that would be amazing but no hate please. Enjoy :P

Isabella POV

The day started like any other, with dreams of my past. Of one of the many times my control towards my wolf and power was tested and I failed, resulting in destruction for anyone near. Over the years my control has improved as proven with my ability to be near humans with death following me, but my control will never be perfect not after the things I have gone through and done.

I jolted up awake, the dreams still flashing through my eyes. ‘Calm down, breathe’ I thought while taking some deep breaths. After my heart had stopped racing and I had controlled the wolf inside of me that was straining to be let out, I fell back on my bed and stared at the celling. “Damn dreams” I muttered to myself.

When a few minutes had pasted I started to get ready for the day. I did my daily exercise, got washed, dressed, tided the house up a bit and of course had the raw meat need to help with my control for breakfast. Looking at the clock it read 7:30 and thought ‘Better get going to school’. After starting my red Harley Superlow I speed to school.

Being a werewolf meant I had better reflexes and an almost instant healing rate which I loved cause it allowed me to ride my bike as fast as possible and not worry about crashing or getting injured. However since Forks High School was only a few minutes away the ride didn’t last long. As soon as I pulled up the whispers started from the annoying kids that I had to spent too many hours with “OMG she is hot” said one boy while a girl across the parking lot said “Stupid mute bitch”.

‘Got to love going to high school after over 900 hundred years of living’ I thought. When I came to the decision to go to high school I had no idea what I was signing up for, sure I knew about the educational classes I would attend but I didn’t understand how truly annoying young people are in this generation. They make me want to be back in the 20th century where I was surrounded by pure dickheads.

But this train of though was suddenly and abruptly stopped when I smelt a smell that had my wolf, power and myself tense ready for action. “Vampires” I snarled lowly while my canine started to enlarge.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2013 ⏰

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