Two souls, reborn anew!

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Yuka's P.O.V:


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It's been many years since I was betrayed, banished to the Netherworld where my father and his siblings live.

When I was sucked into the Netherworld, I realized whoever banished me used a Shen Gong Wu of such a power to other worlds, and all of the Shen Gong Wu mustn't fall into anyone's hands anymore. It's far too dangerous now.

For I must find them, and keep them locked away under my protection.

My father, Shendu, and his siblings know that my sole purpose now, is just.

And made a promise that I shall find a way to free them and live in peace and freedom, Instead of their revenge for it is not healthy even for Demons.

My father had taught me so much, trained me to be a Demon sorceress, which I respectfully accepted, For I was done with the teachings of the family who betrayed me.

However, Deep inside, I only hope my true love didn't betray me too, I would be shattered if he ever did this to me.


I never got the chance to awaken my dragon and it's element, But it doesn't matter now. Today, I was practicing my Tai Chi and ninjutsu of Fire with father.

Though he may be a spirit with his physical body gone and with all his powers gone, He's still a great teacher and a fire breather.

I was balancing on a floating pointed rock with one leg, while the other bent and my arms up and my eyes calmly closed, silently breathing in and out, while father circles around me.

"That's good, Yuka. Focus on your breathing. Feel the fire within you rise and fall in sync with your breathing." Shendu nodded, As I continued.

As I do, I feel the magical fire flowing within me grow and fall in sync, Feeling it's heat grow. Fueling lightly my determination, my strength, and sooth all of my body until it'll be too much for me and contain so much, as it does now.

"That's it, Yuka. You're doing well. Now, Unleash it!" Father cheered, as I do as he said, opening my eyes and breath in, Till I breathed out a powerful dragon's roar and Dragon fire!

Xiaolin Showdown: 'Dragons have Demons too.' (Chase Young x OC)Where stories live. Discover now