part 9

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“wow you are looking so much beautiful plastic doll.” Felix shout while looking at jimin. who was looking so much beautiful. Then jimin go towards his college bag and pick up and call lix who's is standing in front him.

“Do you want to kill someone today.” Jimin smirk looking at his every curve on his body. showing how sexy and goddess like he looks.

“It's not my fault. They would die or kill themselves for me.”Jimin said looking himself in his phone camera again and again which felix just roll his.. eyes at jimin. Walk quietly behind jimin.

They both came downstairs. Once jimin saw his dad. He run towards him like five years old kid.. Which mr park smile widely and embracing his dear son..  jimin look up at him cutely as mr park kiss his forehead.

“my princess woke up early today huh.”He's said while patting his head.

“Yeah appa.” he said giggling still in his dad's arms as everyone in dining room co at him.

“Good morning grandpa.”He shout blowing a kiss to his grandmother as she did the same. Then he look around find his mom..

“Where is mom.”he looked up at his his dad asking about his mom.

Mr park pointed at kitchen dreaction..

“Sit you both have some breakfast.” grandma said looking  at felix then at jimin who still not left his dad.. mr park made jimin sit on the chair and said

“I have to go mom. Because i am getting late. bye mom, bye princess.”He kiss Jimin's head as he was busy in eating mr park chuckle softly and left from there.

After sometime mrs park come out from kitchen and smlie looking at jimin. “still kid.”she said in her mind.

They both look at mrs park and jimin get up from his chair only to make mr's park gasp.

“Oh my god, what are you wearing jimin.”She said looking up and down at jimin's dress as the said boy smrik and felix facepalmed himself.

“mom you should praise me.” Jimin said rolling his eyes. becoming a sassy queen in front of his strict mom. this make mrs park see red by his ill-mannered son.

“Go and change right now.”she said angrily. jimin whined at this looking at felix as felix inturputed them. with beautiful lie.

“Actually.. aunty.. toay we have a friends birthday party, so according to the theme...he wore this dress.” he said nervously side eyeing jimin.

“In college, really. You sur'- Before she complainis about college system they are out of house. she look at her mother in law, she was laughing on her... She sigh and walk off to her room.

In college

jk was sitting on his bike in college yard. waiting for jimin impatiently. while smiling.. for jimin he lied to his friends that he will come late to college and you can go ahead.
he himself dont know why he's that much happy today. whenever the thought of jimin come to his mind. only his heart answer his raising questions with faster beat. And the talked with jimin yesterday night only he knows how eagerly he waited for to sunrise. So he can see jimin in college. “I think I'm yours, and your are mine. only this jeon jungkooks. he said in his mind smiling.. At the moment he saw jimin coming out from his lambo. he look towards jimin and boom. his heart do a dangerous flip. he can clearly hear that his heart is beating that much crazly like he wanna come out from his body.“Calm down jungkook, calm down man. Why he have to wear such clothes to make whole college drool on him. Then he look around to find all boy's are looking at jimin with no so good intentions. he clenched his fist. He cursed them to staring at what is his. And one glared of jungkook they start's to walk inside. everyone knows when jeon jungkook get angry it's a end of the other person. jungkook beating is no joke. Jungkook called a boy who was passing by him.the boy look at jungkook happily and ask what he want. Which jk whisper something in his ear while pointing at jimin. boy nodded and jungkook hand him something who start to walk towards jimin.

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