-New maiden-

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As she sat in the trees and eating fruit and wore a bit simpler clothing to match with people around here.

she heard someone calling out for her.

"Princess shaurya!"

She looked down to see prince dushasana calling out to her.

She hopped down from the tree as dushasana smiled and said
"Oh! I thought you were gone but you are right here! You know I wanted to invite you to the palace as a guest and my friend!"

"Oh~ I would be honoured to prince dushasana~" she said as they chuckled together.

Prince dushasana led shaurya to the palace gates as the guards looked at the new guest confused yet intrigued.

As they continued to walk dushasana saw karna and Duryodhana and went to them as he motioned for shaurya to come with him.

Duryodhana and karna were confused yet slightly intrigued at the quite beautiful yet odd maiden as she greeted them... Her body language showing full courage and strength that was like a warrior...

"Pranam prince Duryodhana and angraj karna~"

They greeted her back as prince dushasana excitedly introduced shaurya as she smiled at them...

The men seemed intrigued by the maiden and smiled greeting her as their guest and as their little brothers close friend.

"Ah I see... Well then we welcome our new guest to hastinapur." Duryodhana said as karna nodded in agreement.

She smiled and thanked them for their hospitality.

Dushasana seemed very excited as they walked around and chatted happily with shaurya as Duryodhana and karna seemed quite intrigued at the friendly gesture dushasana was showing.

As they sat in the lounge area dushasana happily talked with shaurya smiling and cracking jokes making shaurya chuckle both at his terrible jokes and also his excitement.

Duryodhana and karna quietly whispered among themselves further away.

"Hmm... Dushasana seems to be quite friendly with the maiden... What do you think karna....karna? Oi mitra!"
Duryodhana noticed that karna seemed lost in his thoughts a little but came back to his senses when Duryodhana nudged him.

"Hmm indeed... Perhaps there is a reason for the friendlyness? You know you can ask him right? He is your own brother.." karna said and Duryodhana nodded as the went and sat near the two.

"So little brother may i ask how you guys met??" Duryodhana said curiously.

Karna also seemed to be keeping his gaze on the maiden who sat gracefully and with no fear or nervousness but instead seemingly with strength and power... Her gaze at that was soft yet piercing... She seemed calm... Too...calm...

Dushasana immediately jumped up at the probability of bragging about his best friend

"Oh yes yes!!-" dushasana explained how they met and how she defeated the demon with her bare hands-

The two seemed shocked and immediately thought it was a joke but dushasana insist that it was the truth and that he swore on his own self that it was true as she just sat there chuckling and calm...

They seemed a little on the suspicious side but seeing how much dushasana persisted that it was the truth they became intrigued....

"Ah... A strong female that is a princess huh...?" Duryodhana said as he looked at the calm female who looked at him with nothing but calmness...

She nodded and smiled as she saw karna seemed very very curious about the girl.

"So...miss shaurya.. dushasana said you said you were warrior right..? May I ask more about your training or teacher or about the nation you live in...?" Karna asked curious

"Ah of course angraj... I am and have been a warrior since I was 8 and my teacher is my own father. He had adopted me as a baby due to my mother's death to a demon. He is someone who usually saved people from demons and couldn't save her so he took me in and raised me and trained me since I was 8 and crowned me as the prince of the flower fruit mountain and the surrounding area at the age of 13. And I have also become like him fighting demons helping people and things" she explained as Duryodhana and karna listened astonished.

They seemed a little... Impressed..? By the maidens strength..

Like really no woman in the entirety of dwarpa yuga and their life would fight and rule let alone a princess....

Karna especially seemed impressed and... In a way attracted...? To the female as she seemed so calm and in control of things...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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