-trip back in time-

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She laid underneath a tree as she gazed at the modern city.... it was certainly quite different from the flower fruit mountain, but she was just there for some relaxation and also watching over the humans.

She took a nap, and when she fluttered her eyes open, she saw... a castle...? what... she wasn't near any castle... she rubbed her eyes, trying to come back to her senses....but still the castle... it looked like an old Indian castle.

She got up and went to the castle to see a man walking around, seemingly sneaking away. She chuckled and followed him as she saw him trying to chase a bird...

She chuckled as the bird flew over to her and sat on her shoulder as the man looked up...

"Oh! Hey, that's my bird!" He said as she petted the birds chin and smiled at the man.

He seemed to be looking at her confused as to why a woman was in armour... and a staff??

"Hmm, why does a maiden like you wear armour and have a staff...?"
He asked as she chuckled.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because I fight?" She said

He seemed shocked and laughed
"Please, most women don't fight here in battlefields. Tell me really why you are wearing that armour...?"

She let the bird go on to a branch and created a menacing aura, making him step back shriek in fear.

She laughed and turned back to normal as he angrily looked at her huffing.

"That wasn't funny for you to laugh at. Do you know who I am?!"

They were interrupted by a growl as they turned to look to see a huge demon bull.... the man slightly scared ran behind a tree...

She smiled and cracked her fingers.
"Ahh~, a challenge and an opportunity for me to show my strength..."

The bull charged at her, but she caught the bull by its horn, immediately stopping it in place as it snarled and growled. She chuckled and threw the bull back like it weighed nothing and laughed at the disoriented bull demon...

The bull charged again as she took out her staff and swung it, making the bull fly back into trees, making them fall as the she held one of the horns of the bull in her hands tossing it to its body as it ran away...

She laughed and looked back at the man... he seemed shocked and stunned at the woman having such power and strength as she didn't even have a scratch on her...

"Oh my lord- how did you even do that?!?" He said as she laughed at his shock.

She summoned a cloud, making him even more stunned and looking at her confused and scared.

"Are you an asuri(demoness)!??!"

She laughed and shook her head softly.

"No, no, just a being that has strength and protects people~"

He seemed to calm down seeing she wasn't a demoness but still suspicious...

"... a being that protects people? Like a hero or something? But I must say this is the first time in my life I have seen a woman so strong -"
He said as he went to her.

She chuckled and bowed a little
"Well, thank you for the compliment... May i ask who you are? You were going to explain, but we were interrupted..."

He blushed in embarrassment and sheepishly scratched his neck
"Oh yeah, sorry, I am Prince Dushasana."

She slightly widened her eyes but returned to a normal expression.
"Ahh, my apologies, Prince Dushasana. I also didn't give my name, I am Princess Shaurya."

He seemed surprised
"Oh, you are a princess?! My goodness a princess with such strength... First time in my life -"

They laughed and chatted together, and after the sun started setting, the Prince wished her goodbye and went away to the castle....

Authors note:
Thank you to everyone for reading this story. I am not trying to make this story 100 percent real, but I just want to make fanfiction, so I shall continue with my creative writing. I do hope you guys like it so far.

Again, thank you for reading this. It means a lot to me 🪷🖤

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