Part 5

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Italics are French
Bold is Radio Calls

"Cesca! You did it! P1!" Celine Lewis shouts down the phone.

"Hi Maman." Francesca chuckles, smiling at her mother down the phone.

"I'm so proud of you sweetie!" Celine continues to cheer.

"Ay! Maman! Don't hog the phone, let us talk to Cesca as well!"

"I'm not hogging the phone, Oliver." Celine says, shaking her head.

"You so are." Oliver Lewis grumbles.

Francesca had lent her phone up against the wall in the bathroom as she answered the incoming facetime call from her father's phone. She had been greeted immediately with the cheering of her mother but as she glanced away from trying to detangle her hair in the mirror, she was greeted with the grinning face of her youngest brother.

"Dad tells me you've been complaining about going back to uni." Francesca says.

"Dad!" Oliver whines, turning his head.

"What!? It's true!" Richard's voice echoes, followed by his laughter.

Shaking her head at her antics of her family, Francesca moves from the bathroom, taking her phone with her. She places it down on the bed, glancing at the notification which popped through on the top of the screen before she climbed off of the mattress herself, one airpod in her ear as she moved towards the door of her hotel room.

Pulling the handle, the small opening revealed the grinning face of Pierre Gasly.

"Give me that!" He gasps, seeing the airpod in her ear and placing it into his own. "Celine! Did you miss me!?"

"Pierre!" Francesca groans, calling out after the Frenchman.

"He was set on talking to your maman." Charles' voice sighs as he moves into the room.

"How many of you are out there?" Francesca asks, leaning her head out of the door.

"Just us." The Monegasque grins. "Pierre! Let me talk to Celine as well!"

"Why is it that you two always fight over talking to my maman?" Francesca asks.

Closing the door after making sure that no other drivers were lurking in the hallway outside, Francesca grabs her abandoned hairbrush from the side she'd left it on and approached the two men sat on the bed. Charles had managed to find Francesca's other airpod and put it in his own ear before making space for the half-English half-French woman whose phone they had hijacked.

Unable to hear what was happening on the other end of the phone, Francesca moved to detangling her hair once again. Seeing her struggling slightly, Charles grabbed the hairbrush from her hand and moved to sit behind her instead.

"Oh look at you two." Celine gushes, seeing Francesca and Charles on the camera.

Charles chuckles as Francesca rolls her eyes.

"We're just friends maman." Francesca mutters.

"Mhm." Celine grins.

"Charles has a girlfriend anyways, Celine." Pierre adds.

"Thank you for telling my love life to the entire Lewis family, Pierre." Charles sighs.

"Plus, he has a very specific taste in women." Francesca adds. "He likes girls who look exactly like his ex-girlfriend- OW!"

"That's what you get." Charles grins, having just brushed Francesca's knotted hair rather harshly with the intentions of hurting her after her comment.

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