Part 34

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Italics is French




Francesca Lewis screamed as she was thrown back over the side of the boat.

She hit the water with a splash, resurfacing almost immediately to see the concerned face of Charles and the laughing one of Pierre. Although the Frenchman's laughter didn't last long because Charles was quick to shove his best friend into the water.

"WATCH YOUR FAT HEAD PIERRE!" Francesca screams, shoving him out of the way.

"INCOMING!" Max shouts.

Francesca ducked underneath the water and pushed herself out of the way as Charles hit the water feet before her. When she resurfaced, Max had also jumped in and was being splashed in the face by Charles and Pierre.

"Come here! You're not free either!" Max smirks.

So it became Red Bull versus Pierre and Charles. Max and Francesca seemed to be on the same wavelength as they dominated the water fight but the same could not be said for the two French speakers on the other team.

And don't ask me how they ended up banging heads because I don't actually know.

"Oi!" Heidi's voice shouts from the boat. "You're gonna knock each other out in a minute and I am not coming in to save you!"

"Chuck her in Lando!" Charles shouts back.


Whilst Heidi was busy arguing with the McLaren boys, Charles and Max had climbed back onto the boat and were helping Francesca back up. The group smirked at Pierre who was still in the water before Francesca put her arms around both Max and Charles' shoulders.

"Yeah just leave me! Thanks for the help!" Pierre calls out.

"Love you!" Charles shouts back.

Francesca sticks her middle finger up over Max's shoulder as the trio walked back towards the deck of the boat.

It was quite a sight to see up on the deck, Oscar fending off his teammate with Heidi behind him. Pierre joined them just in time to see Oscar get chucked over the side by Lando.

"Uh oh." Heidi whispers. "LANDO NORRIS!"

His name echoed as she landed in the water beside Oscar.

"Just you left." Max smirks.

"Little Lando Norris." Francesca hums.

"No thank you!" Lando shouts.

He jumps over the side of the boat before the Red Bull teammates could reach him. Francesca, Max and Charles broke down into laughter but Francesca's laughter turned to a giggle when she saw the way Max was clinging to Charles for support.

Charles looks up at his female best friend who held the softest smile as she looked at them.

Her smile returned to laughter when a pair of arms wrapped around her and lifted her into the air. Francesca kicked and screamed, clinging onto the arms of Pierre Gasly as he threw her down onto the sofa and hovered above her. Charles and Max we're to busy laughing and staring into each others eyes to notice whilst Heidi and her McLaren boys were still messing around in the salty sea water.

Francesca smiled softly up at Pierre as he swiped a strand of hair from her face.

Balancing his weight on his elbows and knees, Pierre rested his forehead into the crook of Francesca's neck. She wrapped her arms around him and Pierre slowly let his body fall onto Francesca's, carefully as though to make sure that he didn't crush her underneath him.

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