bobo: *he was trying to trimp but got downed, he rolled his eyes, he was really angry due to this.*
bobo: "ugh.. whatever this place sucks."
jard: "bro, what in the fuck is a 'bobowawahaha' dude."
jard: *he ran over to bobo, picking him up, he ran to a safer area and revived him.*
bobo: "thanks random person!!"
bobo: *he said in a happy tone
jard: "uh yeah, your welcome i guess."
jard: *he was confused on why he was acting like that but he wouldn't judge.*
bobo: "friends?"
jard: "uhhh.. i dunnooo.."
jard: *he shrugged, he didn't know bobo very well and if they were to become friends, he'd want to know him more first.*
bobo: "oh that's alright!!"
bobo: *he ran off, a little upset cause he wanted to make a friend, he got downed again.*
jard: "oml.."
jard: *he saved bobo again, reviving him.*
jard: "be careful."
jard: *he started to leave.*
bobo: "wait!"
bobo: *he grabbed his arm firmly, not letting him go.*
bobo: "please can we be friends?"
jard: "uhh.. i don't know.."
bobo: "please?"
jard: "uh.. okay sure, it wouldn't hurt right?"
bobo: "YAYYY."
bobo: *he hugged jard tightly, he smiled.*
jard: *he hugged him back, gently, he smiled petting his head.*