She who walks in soundless feet (Arlecchino-1)

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Speech = ''...''
Thoughts = [... ]


''I was looking for you...''

That was the first thing she managed to hear inside the emptiness of her personal room apart from the fickle sound of her own breathing and the soft, echo of the flames licking slowly the edges of the lit up candles...if one were to ignore the soft, melancholic tune of the music machine.

Her voice devoid of any apparent emotion through the length of her words, sharp, quick, yet remaining neutral through the entire statement for it was not a question.

Calm and collected like the tide waves smoothly brushing against the sand and rocks of cliffs, or cold and eerie like ice scratching glass...depending on who you ask for, the voice could be one or both..

And yet, she did feel that little tinge of emotion beneath the control and masks that clung so smoothly to anything that came from that throat, so small, so almost imperceptible, yet it was there..

The curiosity...and that sense of familiarity.

She really didn't know why that made her smile, she had caught on the gesture already too late to stop herself, but perhaps the fact that she was giving her back to the voice was what made things a little better at least..

She had not heard her coming, nor she had expected to...even now she couldn't hear the sound of her footsteps slowly approaching her from behind. Something that should have been impossible with her augmented hearing through her transformation from something else. Something that spoke lengths of the nature of her visitor more than any-word she could share with her...

But she had not been caught unprepared....

In a sense, she knew that she would come. Sooner, rather than later after she had sensed her eyes look at her direction more than once in the cold halls of the palace.

And like a crow in flight, she had come at the darkness hour, when the souls that patrolled the castle grounds were few and far between, when everyone was tired or busy with something else rather than pay attention to that furtive shadow that slipped so smoothly over the polished grounds....

It was then that she turned around, the sound of her heels softly clicking on the floor all while she did. The red and black furs hanging from the straps of her coats long sleeves moving back and forth with almost a life of their own.

''Ah, look what the night brings to my doorstep....the newly anointed Harbinger among the Tzaritzas ranks. I thought you would be celebrating your ascension to the highest place we can dream of.., what drove you here of all places..?''

Signora said, rather welcoming, if not down right amiable to the girl, barely turned woman that stood in front of her, the one that had so brazenly intruded in her own private quarters, yet she could not help herself to care this time to punish the intrusion like she would have done any other time before.

Swiftly and violently...

Smaller in stature than herself for the time being, yet her presence carried a weigh on its own.

Her hair, unlike her own golden mane was cut short, almost utilitarian, barely hanging above her shoulders like fresh shed snow over a field if one were to ignore the duality of its colour with the black spots hanging above the right side of her head. Her eyes, two emotionless ponds that would have made anyone who stared into those red X looking pupils shudder and walk away in sheer fright of the coldness that bleed out...



And perfectly human shaped almost to perfection, almost....

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