The cold Knave

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Signora Arlecchino

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Signora Arlecchino

Speech = ''......''

Thoughts = [....]


A temptative look into the abyss, a sinful desire





A million glints of gold and silver from each and every source of light and polished grounds of marble so pure that the skies would have been jealous of their purity. The ointed cascade of songs the musicians and their instruments tried to convey into the serenade at play, bringing with them a sense of glamour, beauty and luxury to the hearts and minds of each and every soul partaking into the festivities inside this walls.

They sang tunes she had heard one and a million times before...yet the melody was ever changing under the tones and hidden upbeat strokes of warmth and lavish desire that permeated the air like sweet sulphur as the celebration continued to go through the night.

Filling the air with the incessant echo of life nurtured just for this and every moment after this, where the shadows and the stench of glitter golden decadence of souls who had too much money to spent it in a lifetime on the grand palace built as the secondary home of her goddess wandered on their tales and stories.

A place mostly used nowadays as the grand public avenue for the common citizen to draw themselves a little closer to the one they worshipped...even if her highness was never one to attend these sort of frivolities nor they were the most kind and faithful of devotees.

Still, the chance to grow closer to those mystified through the ages under the glacial wings of the Tzaritza such as the Harbingers was good enough for them.

However, even with said appetite for wonder and mystery.... there was no a particular good reason to host such an event either. Not a grand victory. No gleeful memory of of a great deed in times of darkness or one that would soon take place. Not even by the words or orders of their beloved Tzaritza.

This was just a party for parties sake.

Which suited her just fine....

Men spoke loudly and vigorously under the chiming sound of toasts for a better future or boast weaved in lies. Women schemed and giggle alike about matters ranging the non important to the most carnal of secrets that should not see the light of day. And then there was those content to stay in the lime light for as long as they could, even if it meant wasting a night away in the bright, callous flames of attention.

So many names.

So many faces.

So many souls.

She did not know any of them, and yet she somehow felt that she did. Not like it was not hard to imagine why as her gaze lazily swiped the area around her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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