filler chapter? (noodles🍜)

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hi so the winter emptiness hit me😭 i barely have motivation for anything at all and im sorry if i disappear for a while but i wont let it happen for too long because i dont want to just leave u guys behind and honestly i wasnt even supposed to pu...

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hi so the winter emptiness hit me😭 i barely have motivation for anything at all and im sorry if i disappear for a while but i wont let it happen for too long because i dont want to just leave u guys behind and honestly i wasnt even supposed to publish a chapter today but i feel like its been too long since i posted a chapter and yeah just have this picture of my favorite noodles

i legit love shin ramen and cup noodles so much instant noodles are my life oh my lord like actually im really addicted to them if only i could only eat them for the rest of my life i literally dont care if i die because of it like bro i want MORE they're so delicious like actually words cant describe HOW MUCH I LOVE NOODLES

dont get me started on the broth bro ESPECIALLY IF THE FLAVOR IS SEAFOOD, BEEF OR SPICY (MY FAVORITE BROTH IS BEEF AND SPICY) THE BROTH IS SO GOOD i love the broth on instant noodles so much i could drink them all for days

its funny how when i first started this i swore to myself i would be dedicated to making this grow even if it didn't get popular and publishing chapters every single day or every few hour or two when i have something in mind and look at it now, i took 2 whole breaks, barely write chapters, and don't have motivation to write any like 99% of the time. im actually just forcing myself to write this chapter because i dont want to disappoint any of you with a lack of chapters, especially since i aimed to update really regularly as i said earlier (it's also in the book description)

but that's fine, it happens. im actually only still putting up with this book because now i actually have people on it. if it weren't for the support i didn't expect to get, this book would have been long gone because this was honestly just the result of a manic episode. i have manic episodes often and its literally just false hope and false motivation.

i would love to know if anyone else is struggling with manic episodes and other bursts of energy and motivation out of nowhere, usually they go on for like an hour or two, RARELY a whole day, or even two days, but it all disappears and won't appear for the next few months.
i have a lot more to say, but honestly it would just be a huge vent, so we'll talk about this in another chapter❤️

i love you all, i appreciate every single bit of support i get, and i promise to keep trying to maintain this book for you guys :) it's 12AM exactly right now and i still have school so yeah goodnight everyone. take care of urself and get some rest

im thinking of making a signature ending line LMAO but it seems so extra and unnecessary but it would also be really funny and i kinda wanna have an iconic part to every chapter i post so yeah im gonna talk about this in the next chapter


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