Chapter 7 : Cocoon

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A/N: Don't forget to read Chapter 6 before this one.

Anntonia felt a flicker of regret as she walked past her favorite bakeshop. She had been looking forward to seeing Virginia, the charming pastry chef who always greeted her with a bright smile and a free sample of her scrumptious creations. But instead of Virginia, there was a new face behind the counter, a young man with a chef's hat and a bland expression.

"Hej! Is Virginia here?" she asked, hoping that the Italian pastry maker was just on a break.

The guy shrugged, "No. She went back to see her family in Italy. She'll be back, hmm...maybe next week."

"Oh..." Anntonia said with a frown. She glanced at the display case, but none of the pastries looked appetizing to her. She decided to skip her usual treat and walked away, feeling a bit empty.

Ann needed a distraction from her worries. She had been stressing over the villa as well as Irfan's offer.
His offer is a shoo-in way of securing the Tuscan property in a heartbeat, but it also means that she'll most likely be trapped and be under Irfan's beck and call. She knew that her stepfather would be thrilled if she accepts it - which will most likely restore her relationship with the hotel empire billionaire, but she was also aware that doing so would strip her of freedom and her voice — of any decision.

She decided to stroll down to a nearby park overlooking a lake and observe people. Ann liked to watch the different kinds of people pass by— imagining their stories and lives. She saw a couple holding hands while laughing, a mother pushing a stroller with a baby, a group of teenagers skateboarding and listening to music, a man walking his dog, and a woman reading a book on a bench. She wondered if they were happy, if they had dreams, if they had problems. Anntonia wished her life was less complex.

She looked up at the clear blue sky and silently prayed for a miracle — for somebody to save her from a decision that she did not want, although needed.

She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and took it out. It was a text from her biological father, Morten. She smiled as she read his message.

Hi, sweetheart. How are you doing?

Anntonia smiled while typing a reply.
Hi, pa. I'm fine, just taking a break from work.

Morten answered almost immediately.
I'm glad to hear that. You work too hard, you know. You should relax more.

I know, I know. But you know how it is. I have to pay the bills 🤪

Anntonia's phone suddenly rang. Her lips curled up in a smile when she saw Morten's name pop up on the screen.

"Hey pa".

"My fingers are aching. I don't know how you kids type non-stop.....Hi ya, sweetheart". Morten greeted.

"Don't worry papa, I'm good".

"Annie, I know and understand you've got responsibilities and dreams, but don't forget to enjoy life, too. You deserve it".

"Thanks, pa. You're so sweet", she replied.

"Anyway, are you free for dinner tonight? I have something to tell you".

"Really? What is it? I hope it's someone who'd say they're giving me a loan", she pouted.

Morten paused for a while — seemingly trying to form his words correctly. "Still no news about that, huh?"

"Nope, I've got one last option though".

"Annie—I know you want that property so much, but I hope you'll base your decision on something that will not harm or alter your future for the worst".

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