2. Talking

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January 2023

Beomgyu POV

Another day of spending my days doing nothing during the holidays when Taehyun asks me if we should go. "C'moon, it's time to hang out," he whines while we're on a Discord call. "I said okay, fine, where do you want to go? We don't have any places that we want to visit anyway," I replied to Taehyun as my mind was actually on my text messages with Skye.

"Oh, actually, she mentioned that there's this one good restaurant that I should visit, and I'm curious now," I added. "huh? who? she who?" I can hear his excitement from his tone alone. The guy always wants to set me up with someone as if I can't get myself a girlfriend.

I sighed at his enthusiasm and said, "Skye, nothing serious. But hey, if she knows a good restaurant, why not give it a try?" I could sense his confused self as he eagerly responded, "Skye? You mean MY Skye?" Whoa, hold on there.

"What do you mean, YOUR Skye?" I asked, taken aback by his possessive tone. He chuckled nervously before explaining, "Well, you see, I'm just surprised that you guys actually talked. I thought when you said you're interested in her you were just... joking?" I feel myself getting slightly annoyed by his assumption.

"No, I wasn't joking," I replied firmly. "I genuinely find her interesting and would like to get to know her better. But let's not make a big deal out of it, okay?" I tried to act cool.

But then something hits me "And uhm since when do you have ownership over Skye? I mean not ownership, but you sound... very possessive over her" I questioned, trying to hide my irritation.

Skye's name seemed to hang in the air, creating an unexpected tension between us. And there's this silence for a quiet ten seconds before he finally answers, "No biggie, just the fact that she's been my best friend since we were 13, that's all," he replied as if I couldn't sense something off in his tone. And somehow his response didn't satisfy me; there was a hint of defensiveness in his voice.

It made me remember last year's memory when he would pick up Skye after school and literally wanted to be with her all the time during the freshman years. Even in long distances, Taehyun always seeks for her. But it shouldn't matter now. They even live in different cities and have been apart for a good amount of time.  But still, the way he spoke about her made me wonder if there were unresolved feelings between them. Maybe their connection was stronger than they let on, and distance hadn't completely erased it.

"oh well yeah she told me about this restaurant when we were talking, so I think we should go there" I decide it's best not to dwell on it that much. "do you... are you still talking to Skye?" he then asks hesitantly. "I still am. We're both more open to each other now I guess." There's a hint of a smile in my voice if he listens, "Oh you like her that much then" I can tell that now he's teasing me about it.

He knows I've liked her for quite some time, I just never had the nerve to approach her because the two were inseparable. I'd thought they'd get married. But looking at them now, maybe not. As I now observe their interactions, it seems like their bond has changed. It's not as strong as it was a few years ago, It's possible that my feelings for Skye may have a chance after all.

"Ah anyway, text me where it is alright? I have something to do now" he then said before he left the call.


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