1. Phone Call

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December 2022

Skye POV

"Just wanted my two dearest best friends to date, that's all," he said from another line. "oh is that so? that's what you want?" I asked, making sure. "Nothing I could ever want more" he sticks to his words. "huh... don't blabber too much it's already almost two, you told me you're going to sleep at one" I remember him saying that it's just gonna be a short call since we haven't talked for the past few months.

"oh really? you're right.. ah well it's time to go then"


"Can I have my kiss bye then?"

No. Not again

"cmon now, your old friend needs to hear it"

"fine bye mwah"

"awe a kissbye, mwah! Love You"


He doesn't give me time to respond to the Love You that he spontaneously throws. As the call ended abruptly, I let confusion and longing hit me in the middle of the night, almost dawn. It was 2. a.m. I tell myself that nothing will ever happen between me and him. It's all platonic for him. I may keep him inside my heart, but it doesn't work that way with him. He is somewhat oblivious to my feelings. Despite my best efforts to move on, his words continue to echo in my mind, tormenting me with what could have been.

Taehyun POV

I ended the call with a deep sigh. Heavy breath I didn't know I was holding. Her voice still does something to me. In every way possible. Captivating my senses and stirring emotions deep inside me. Even after all this time, the sound of her voice has the power to evoke a whirlwind of memories and feelings, leaving me nostalgic. It's as if her voice carries the weight of our shared history, reminding me of all the laughter and intimate moments we once shared.

Hearing from her again makes me yearn for the connection we once had and ignites a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, there's still a chance for us to find our way back to each other. But as a friend... or whatever it was that we had. I never know what to call what it is. Our relationship was always a blurred line between friendship and something more, it's difficult to define.

I realize now I'm just thinking about the past, I put my phone down as I thought about what I said. I take a deep breath and remind myself that dwelling on the past won't change anything. It's time to focus on the present and embrace whatever the future holds, whether it includes her or not. But..

"kissbye mwah! Love You"

What had gotten into me?! She must've hated hearing it. It's been so long since we last spoke those words to each other, and I couldn't help but let them slip out. It was like a reflex. I wonder if I've just made things more complicated between us. As I thought over my impulsive Love You, I began to question the consequences of my words. Would it bring back old feelings or create further confusion?

Oh well now that I think about it, do I really want her to be with Beomgyu? I mean, of course, they're both my closest ones, and I wouldn't want it any other way. But deep down, a part of me can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Maybe it's just the fear of losing the bond we once had, or maybe it's something more. I chose to believe it's the first one.

PS It's my first time writing. I hope it's tolerable, or even likable 😉

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