10.) blurred - BkDk Angst

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TW: bullying

Deku POV
I run into my middle school classroom as the chatter comes to abrupt stop upon my entry since I was very late. Laughter erupts from a few kids in the room as I hold my head down in shame as I make my way to my desk and sit down quietly.

"All right, settle down kids." My teacher begins speaking but I don't raise my head to look at him.

"Today we are going to be discussing future schools we would like to attend." The class erupts in cheering and excited chatter before the teacher cuts in again.

"I assume most of you would like to be heroes and attend the most prestigious school of all, UA." Kids yell in excitement and start showing off their quirks to the room as I try to make myself appear as small and as invisible as possible.

"It's not like any of you extras will actually make it, I'm the only worthy one of attending that damn school." Kacchan declares to the room as groans a very few cheers as heard.

"Alright, I have two listed with UA as their top choice." The room waits in silent anticipation.

"Bakugou and...Midoriya." Laughter is spread across the room as I hold my head down.

"Midoriya, you're kidding right?"

"That quirkless kid?"

"There's no way."

"Cmon, get realistic here."

"He'll probably end up dead from the entrance exams alone."

"You can't apply without a quirk moron."

"Actually they got rid of that rule." I mumble out in response as more kids laugh at me. I feel tears threaten my eyes but I ignore them and just put my head down in shame.

When class finally ends, the teacher and most of the kids exit the room. I'm running a bit late today since I was lectured by the teacher for being late to school. I pack my things away as I stand up. Suddenly, my notebook is ripped from my hands and I nervously look up to meet ruby red eyes. Kacchan, of course, and his two friends are with him as well, great, just what I needed today.

"You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects you quirkless wannabe." He scoffs at me as he uses his explosion to burn my book in his hands. My eyes widen and tears stream down my face as he throws the charred book out of the window.

"I-I just thought-" I stutter out quietly before being cut off.

"Oh shut up shitty nerd." He rolls his eyes at me and I hold my head down in shame once again.

"When will you understand that you can't be a fucking hero dumbass." He yells at me and I flinch at the aggressive tone. I back up toward the wall as he holds up his hand with sparks in it.

"Fucking look at me!" He shouts and I flinch once again but bring my eyes to meet his. I gulp as he approaches me with his two sidekicks.

"Is he looking down on you?" One of them scoffs and I glare quietly.

"Oh, look at that, he thinks he can win this." The other one laughs as I continue to cry. I attempt to stand up but decide against it.

"He finally gets it, he'll never be a hero." More laughter from the two standing on Kacchan's side.

Suddenly, a large blast goes off in my face as I fall to the ground. I hold my hand over my eye as I scream in agonizing pain. I can feel the blood run down my face as it mixes with my salty tears.

"Fucking weak." Kacchan says quietly before walking away with the other two who left before him as he stops and stares at me for a moment but then leaves.

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