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Mickey was watching the stock prices starting to fall, movies aren't performing well anymore. Mickey is staring at the numbers from the companies projects..... they aren't making their money back and then some.

Mickey: Why am I loosing so much money? Is it me?... no it's not me. I should have thinnered that toon the minute he walked in. He's taking my audience, the kids that need to be taught by us what is right and wrong. The fans who screach in the air are nothing to me if they don't fall in place... but

Mickey saw a billboard of (y/n) promoting his 'show', him with a slight blush, thumbs up, and a wink. Mickey palms his face and started to contemplate an idea.

Mickey:....I want you to call a hitman.... (Y/n)'s time on the screen ended long ago. His time is only borrowed from me. And I'm the only one that is allowed to bring them back and better! So get someone to finish him off. We can recreate him and I will be on top again!

Pluto wakes up from his dog bed curious as to what Mickey is screaming about. The room was empty, dark, cold.... sinister, the only light coming  was the sun through the blinds and a computer screen.


Mickey: Huh? Oh right.... I'm only with you. Don't worry boy, we're in the right. I want to show everyone that im always right. They need me, my morals...Now...

Mickey palms his face again and starts looking through the web. Looking through websites, making calls to make sure they weren't traps or scams. Looking through the layers of the deep and dark web. Though at one point....

Mickey: I'm looking at human hitmen, they probably don't know how to take out a toon.... I need a toon hitman....


Mickey: I'm not dead, and i doubt im going to.... But I wonder if they'll still want my money.

He tried his best to find a contact info, made his request and payed in full. Now he just has to wait.
Back with (y/n)

We see our protagonist with (red) walking down main street. (Y/n) has a giant smile on his face as he's starting to get more recognition than he use to. He was on his phone looking at a set of plans.

(Y/n): So I've been planning to tear down my old house and build a new one, like this...

(Y/n): So I've been planning to tear down my old house and build a new one, like this

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(Red): Really? Looks nice.

(Y/n): Yeah.... to be fair everything is cramped in my current situation. I have a stairway that leads to a bathroom and my bedroom, on the first floor I have the living room which is connected to the kitchen, two extra rooms, One is ms bellums office and the other is mine. And a basement with a bathroom that kinda looks like a studio apartment. And with this show it's going to help me have more room.

(Red): So you enjoying it?

(Y/n): Yeah! it's kinda fun.... I don't have to pull back on some of the stuff. And all the fan reception, which is surprisingly female, has been great.

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