Goodie or Baddie

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Mira's POV

"I don't want to get up" I said opening my eyes to see my mom.

"Come on Mira you have to go do me proud and do something evil at school" Mira's mom said.

I got up and out of bed and put on my normal attire. Black dress, Purple jacket, awesome new boots with chains on them, and my bow and arrow.

"Mira! Lexi and Max are here to walk with you to school!! My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!!!" I said nervously. I wanted to make a awesome entrance.

"So How was your guy's summer?" My mom asked.

"It was pretty good" Lexi said with a board sigh.

"It was good" Max said with a smile on his face.

"Good, hey I want you guys to keep Mira out of trouble this year. Remember last year, she is a little trouble maker." My mom said with a stern look on her face.

"Ok Mira's mom" Lexi said with an evil look on her face.

"How hard can it be, we are her best friends" Max said.

"Oh you underestimate me you guys, I thought you knew me so well." Said a voice.

"Mira?" Lexi said.

"The one and only!" Said Mira while appearing out of nowhere with smoke everywhere. "Let's go you guys I don't want to be late for potions class!" Winks mischievously.

"Ok bye honey..." My mom said while getting interrupted by Mira.

"Ok yeh yeh love u bye!" Said Mira while taking Max and lexis hands and pulling them out the door.

"What trouble are we going to get into today Mira?" Said Lexi with a smile on her face.

"Lexi no we have to be a good influence for Mira!" Max said pulling Mira over to him.

"Yeh well she and I are evil so yeh Mira already has her fate!" Lexi said pulling Mira over to her.

"Good!" Max yelled pulling Mira towards him.

"Evil!" Lexi yelled pulling Mira towards her.

"Stop! I don't know what I want to do I'm not even sure what I want my fate to be!!! Mira yelled while running towards the school and disappearing in a smoke cloud and went up to class.

"Great what a way to start the first day. I wonder why she is confused on what she wants to be?" Max said looking confused.

"I don't know but I'm going after her you know what she is like when she is mad so let's go and control her before she destroys someone." Lexi said with a stern face.

"Yeh I suppose your right" said Max while running into a smoke cloud to get to Mira.

"Am I ever wrong!?!" Lexi said disappearing into a cloud of smoke also.

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