The Ninja Pokémon showdown

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[Groaning, Ash and Green pop their heads out of a bush]
Ash:All right. Where's this famous Fuchsia Gym we're looking for anyway? [Ash asked Brock]

Misty:I can't believe there's a gym out in the middle of nowhere like this [said Misty, popping up next to Ash]

Green:I wonder why the Fuchsia Gym Leader has chosen to put their gym in the middle of nowhere. Lexus:Seriously,how the hay builds this far in the middle of nowhere.

Pikachu: Pikachu [He said popping up underneath Ash]

Fern:Ivysaur [said Fern, popping up underneath Green]

Brock:Hmm [said Brock, popping up on the other side of Green]

Narrator: As our heroes travel toward their next adventure at the Fuchsia Gym, they pass through a deep forest where they find themselves....

Trio:I think it's this way [said Ash, Misty and Brock, pointing in three different directions]

Narrator: Completely lost.

[At a small waterfall, the Group sits down for a rest]                                                

Psyduck:Psy... [said Psyduck while drinking from the waterfall]

Ash:Well, let's get going. I got to get to that Fuchsia Gym and win another badge. Green:Yeah.

Misty:Wait a minute. Let's wait for Psyduck.

Psyduck:Psy [said Psyduck, as it just finished getting some water]

Misty:Psyduck, cold water can make a headache even worse [She said to the duck]

Psyduck:Psy? [asked Psyduck, placing a hand on its head]

Misty:Sometimes I just look at that Psyduck face and I get a headache.

Brock:What beautiful hair [said Brock, sitting behind Misty as he brushes Vulpix's fur].

Misty:Huh? [said Misty, glaring at Brock's back]

Brock:Suzie's such a great breeder.

Misty:Hey, Brock. How about a trade ,That Vulpix for my Psyduck?

Brock:No way.

Misty:It wouldn't take much time to brush 'cause Psyduck only has three hairs.

Psyduck:Psy [said Psyduck, turning away and looking at its hair]                                                                               

Misty:How about you, Lexus? Wanna trade one of your Tauros for Psyduck? [she Misty asked her fellow female companion girl] Lexus:No thanks I would rather Kiss a snake Pokemon than to ever trade any of my Pokémon,plus I'm not dealing with its nonsense.

Ash:Come on, guys. We better get going [said Ash Unknown to them, a furry purple Pokémon was watching them in the trees. Crawling across a plank that was perched high over a river, Ash looks down]

Ash:Hold on. If we fall, our Pokémon journey's over.

Pikachu:Pikachu [said Pikachu, holding onto Ash's backpack].

Ash:Ah! [screamed Ash, his hand slipping off the plank] Are you sure Fuchsia Gym is somewhere around here?

Pikachu:Pika! [said Pikachu, pointing to the other side of the small river]

Quartet:Huh? [said Green, Misty,Lexus and Brock as they see the building]

Ash:Huh? What's that?

Misty:That's weird. A huge mansion right in the middle of nowhere.

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