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I had to go back to that stupid ball after a few hours so the guards wouldn't get suspicious. I told Gingerbrave that my mom would be worried, but I stayed as vague as possible. I snuck off and pretended like I was just in a group of people the whole time. Girls immediately swarmed guys, a few coming towards me as I put on a fake sweet attitude. This was getting boring. I mean, these girls were sweet. They were very kind, unless they were trying to be cute by being mean. I never really got that, though. I feel kind of bad that I didn't care for these women. Was I leading them on? No...I never said I liked them....but I never said I didn't either . I backed away from everyone to the snack table. I quickly grabbed a coffee cake slice so I didn't have to talk. Princess Cookie was talking to me as Knight Cookie was standing behind her. I wasn't listening fully, but it was obvious Knight Cookie was.  "Simp. " I thought as I chewed on my coffee cake.

  When the ball was finally dying down. Princess Cookie finally and  Knight Cookie followed.  I slipped out of the ball, going to my room. I sat on my bed. "Ugh.. these balls are gonna kill me." I laid down, covering myself with my thick blanket. Thoughts immediately filled my head, mostly about the ball being annoying. But one thought forced its way into my head,

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