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taylor swift

"I'm telling you Boston crème pies are to die for." Aven groaned, her mouth watering at the thought of the sweet dessert.

"You've been talking about this pie for an hour, Av." Jack laughed, shaking his head. "Is it that good?"

Aven furrowed her brows, flipping over off her stomach. "You're never had one?"

"Nope." Jack shook his head, his lips in a flat line.

She stared at him with disbelief. "That's insane. Well, I think that calls for one considering you had a long day."

"It was a two hour practice." Jack cocked a brow, staring at her from the hotel bed.

"Still." Aven shrugged, pursuing her lips. "We're in Boston. It's a good luck charm for tomorrow. A guaranteed win."

Jack kept his arm behind his head as his lips curled into a smile. "Then maybe you should get the pie."

"Room service." Aven rolled her eyes, flashing the pamphlet at him. "It's not gonna be authentic as the ones made in restaurants. So, we're just gonna have to eat another one tomorrow."

She reached for the phone, dialing the number as she brought it to her ear. "Hi. Can I get one Boston crème pie, please. Yes, room 203. Thank you!"

"This better be good." Jack shook his head. "You've hyped it up way too much."

"I think you're hyped up way too much." Aven crossed her arms, staring at him as she stood beside him.

Jack cocked his head with parted lips. "Excuse me?"

"You're excused." Aven shot back, smirking.

"Okay." Jack huffed, grabbing her as she yelped, her back hitting the mattress as he hovered over her, his thumbs pressing into her sides as she laughed breathlessly.

Aven crossed her arms in an attempt to shield herself, moving around as Jacks grip loosened, leaving her to pant.

"Are you sorry?" Jack asked, his arms on either side of her head.

She nodded against the mattress. "You're so unbelievably handsome."

Jack smiled, leaning down as he planted his lips on hers, her head cocking up to meet his as she held his face, his body leaning back as he flipped them over.

Avens hands flew up in his brunette locks, tugging hard as he whined, his hands digging into her ass as her hips flexed against his in reflex.

"You're killing me." Jack muttered, his teeth and mouth working on her neck as she twisted her face in pleasure.

"Room service!" A voice called, knocking on their door.

Jack cursed as she laughed, sliding off him as she fixed her hair, opening the door with a grin. She thanked the worker before shutting and locking the hotel door.

"Foods here!" Aven smiled widely as she crawled onto the bed, opening the box as the sweet smell made her hum.

She pulled the lid off, the forks snapping through the plastic wrap as she handed one to Jack, he sat up.

"Dig in, Hughes." Aven took the pie on her fork, watching him do the same. The two brought the utensils to their mouths, Aven rolling her eyes at the taste.

Jack chewed, licking his lips at the sweet taste. "God. That's good."

"Told you." Aven shook her head, going in for seconds as the two tore up the pie. "There's nothing better than this."

"This is good and all but flapper pie is incredible." Jack wiped the corners of his mouth. "When I lived in Canada, Quinn and I would eat it at least three times a week."

Aven furrowed her brows, licking the vanilla custard off her fork. "What's that?"

"It's, like, a vanilla custard but with meringue and graham cracker crust. It's unbelievable. Quinn sends me pictures of it all the time." Jack explained, shaking his head.

"That sounds so good." Aven nodded. "Next time we go to Canada you'll have to get one."

"Deal." Jack stuck his pinky out as she took it. "Every time we go to Boston, we'll get a crème pie."

Aven smiled. "And every time we go to Canada, we'll get a flapper pie. What if I hate it?"

"You won't." Jack shrugged. "Even if you do, act like you love it. Who knows, I could've hated this."

Aven eyed the pie, her eyes flickering back up to his light blue eyes. "Considering you ate half...I think you loved it."

"Oh, shut up." Jack brought his lips into a flat line. "I did love it. You have great taste, Miss Taylor."

"Why, thank you, Mr. Hughes." Aven parted her lips, her cheeks turning red. "You just have such a way with the ladies."

Jack sighed. "Only you."

Aven bit her bottom lip, narrowing her eyes at him. "Well, aren't I lucky."

thank you for 4k reads loves 💝

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