Chapters 201-End

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Chapter 201:

You and Josh walk out of the restaurant and he slips his arm around your waist and rests his hand on your opposite hip. You walk down to the public

beach and watch the sunset. You see the areas where you can jet ski, snorkel, and rent boats and things to do in the ocean. When the sun is completely set you walk around the rest of the resort and learn your way around to the good pools and the places you'd like to go do things. When that’s done you walk back to your private suite. You go inside, and change into a pair of Josh's basketball shorts and a sports bra, and he takes off his shirt and puts on some sweatpants. "Why you always wear my clothes


?" Josh says in a funny voice. "


you my


." you say mimicking his tone. "But in all seriousness, I wear them because they smell like you. and I like it. It makes me feel happy." you say smiling. "Well if they make you happy, then it makes me happy you wear them, I packed extra figuring you would wear some of my clothes anyways." he say coming over and hugging you. "Lets go down by the ocean" Josh says. You agree and the two of you walk down the path to the hammock and lay together in it. For awhile you just lay there next to each other, wrapped in each others arms, listening to the waves hit the sand and looking up at the stars. You are almost falling a

sleep when Josh says "


when do you


have kids?" You're


shocked at the question, but you say "Well I don’t know Josh.. I don’t know if I'm ready for that yet, I mean I still have to take some college photography classes, and you are going to be busy filming Catching Fire and


soon.. I just don’t know if we're ready for that." you say truthfully. You can hear the disappointment in Josh's voice when he responds with a simple "Okay" You don’t know what to say so you're silent for a minute when Josh speaks up again. "I just am excited. You're


be such a good Mom. and I well, I'll try my best to be a good Daddy." To this you know what to say, "Josh you're going to be a terrific father. Don’t worry. and it will happen when the time is right." This time Josh doesn’t seem so sad when he says "Okay. I guess I'll just have to wait." With that he kisses you on the cheek and he stands up. "Josh where are you going?" you ask him. He takes off his sweat pants so he's just in his boxers and he takes off his basketball shorts so you're in your sports bra and panties, he turns on the jet to the hot

tub and he sets you in it,

following right away. The two of you sit together in the hot tub for awhile, before going back to the suite and going to bed. 

Chapter 202:

You wake up to Josh's lips softly brushing against yours. "Good morning beautiful" he says to you, "Sorry to wake you. I just couldn’t stop myself." "It's okay Josh, I don’t think getting kissed awake and being called beautiful will ever get old." you say back kissing him again. You and Josh spend the next 5 days enjoying yourself on your honey moon. You spend a lot of time on your private beach, and in and around your suite. You swim in the ocean together and

in your private pool.


ou lay in the hammock and swing together on the giant swing. You walk along the beach and watch the sunsets and the stars at night. One early morning you wake up to Josh carrying you down to the beach where he had laid out a blanket and breakfast and you ate together watching the sunrise. Mainly, you just spend time together. You sit in the hot tub every night together, because there is a breeze and even though it is hot during the day, it gets a bit chilly. You also spend some time in the public areas though. One day you and Josh take pictures with some of the other guests. You swim obnoxiously in their public pools, and you show much more PDA than you have the rest of your life. You ride together on the jet skis, and you learn how to parasail. You snorkel and then one day get scub

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