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"SAV, WAKE UP!!" My older brother Steve yelled from outside of my door.

"I'm up, chill out!" I yelled back.

Ever since I began high school, this year and my older brother Steve "the hair" Harrington has had to take me to school.

I quickly hopped out of bed, throwing on a tight pair of jeans, and a cute, long sleeve crop top.

"You are going to freeze, it's October Savannah!" Steve exclaims as he sees my outfit.

"Oh, whatever Steve." I replied, jumping into his car.

The drive was silent until we had to go pick up Steve's girlfriend Nancy.

I hated Nancy.

She was just a bitch.

Right as we arrived to school, a blue Camero, blasting music pulled in and took Steve's parking spot.

"What the fuck!" Steve yelled as he pulled into a new parking spot.

The camero caught my eye, I had to see who was inside.

Out walked a red headed girl who I've never seen before, along with a muscular, sexy boy with curly hair.

Fuck I'm wet.

Steve, Nancy, and I all walked out of the car, my eyes still lingering on the stud, as he turned around, revealing his tight jeans, gripping his ass perfectly.

I couldn't help but stare.

When he turned around, he noticed me staring from afar, he made eye contact with me and shot me a wink.

I blushed so hard and just turned around.

My panties were SOAKED.

I walked straight to my first period, still not taking my mind off of the boy.

About 2 minutes before the class actually started, the red headed girl walked in and sat next to me. I noticed her and decided to welcome her.

"Hi! I'm Savannah, what's your name?" I asked her, as I turned toward the girl.

"Oh, hi! I'm Maxine, max for short." She replied.

"Nice to meet you max!" I replied, we made small talk until the class started.

Max and I actually had 3 classes together, algebra, English, and Spanish!!

We have been hanging out now for about a week and a half, today she invited me over to help her with her homework tonight!!

Of course I accepted. Obviously I want to help her... and get a little bit closer to her apparent step brother, billy.

"I'll come over around 4?" I asked her.

"Perfect!" She replied as we both got into our separate vehicles.

After about an hour at my house of getting ready, I began walking to Max's house, which wasn't really that far. Thank god!

I found a tiny home with a blue camero parked out front, so I figured it was their house.

I walked up to the door and knocked.

I heard yelling and loud music from the inside. What the fuck is going on in there?!

A few seconds later, the door busts open, revealing a sweaty billy.

"Hey darlin' what do you need?" He asked me, putting his arm against to door frame.

"Uh hi? I'm here for max!" I replied, blushing.

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