Chapter Two

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"-It's not like I brought you a picnic basket or anything," he mumbled dejectedly, "-and I certainly didn't ask you to quit your job, I would never do that. I just want to have lunch with you, to spend time with you on our anniversary. Is that really too much to ask?"

For the first time that night, she was left speechless from his words.

His question kept ringing inside of her head like a broken record.

Is that really too much to ask?

Maybe it was his choice of words or the heartbreaking way he had said it, but slowly her anger melted away. Soon enough, those anger were replaced with a huge wave of guilt. It hit her so hard, she actually felt sick.

Was that what he wanted?

No ulterior motives?

He just wanted to spend some time with her?

Is that really too much to ask?

The words were ringing again inside of her head and she clenched her jaw tightly, trying to swallow the guilt.

She wanted to apologize, she really did, but then, her pride took over and instead she said, "I didn't have the time."

Ross sighed, hanging his head down.

"Well, you could've been nicer about it," he mumbled quietly as he ducked his head down, but she heard him still, and it felt like another stab to her heart.

He wasn't wrong, she could've been at least kinder about it. He was just trying to something nice and even romantic, but what had she done instead of thanking him? She pushed him away, making him looked like he was doing something completely out of line.

But he wasn't at all out of line today, wasn't he?

He was just trying to see her, bringing her flowers and lunch just to cheer her up.

Rachel swallowed the lump in her throat.

She owed him an apology.

She was about to open her mouth to apologize, but then he opened his mouth again and asked the very question that sent fuel straight back to her anger.

"Is this about Mark?" he lifted his gaze, searching for an answer through her face. "Is that why you didn't want me to come?"

"Huh," she mumbled incredulously, feeling like she wanted to pull her hair out of frustration. "Oh my god!"

Is he for real???

It was the frustration seeping from her – the veins on her forehead, that made him realize how badly wrong he was. Mark had nothing to do with anything, how stupid he was.

"Okay, it's not..." he cringed inwardly, knowing for a fact he had just made their fight so much worse.

"Oh my god," she repeated disbelievingly, "I cannot have the same fight over and over again, Ross. You're making this too hard!"

"Oh? I'm making this too hard?" he asked bitterly, "Okay. What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know. I don't know!" She groaned, feeling more frustrated than ever. And before she knew it, these words slipped off her mouth, "Look, maybe we should take a break..."

"Okay, okay. Fine. You're right," he started. "Let's uh. Let's take a break. Let's cool off, okay," he grabbed his coat and made his way toward the front door – still didn't know what she really was proposing here. "-let's get a frozen yogurt or something."

"No," she breathed and he halted his movement at that one word.

He then spun around to face her, a bewildered look on his face.

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