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Spring, 2019

It was Sunday morning when Ross hummed the tune of his favorite song, enjoying his morning cup of coffee whilst expertly flipped the last batch of his signature cheese omelets. He grinned, the omelets came out perfectly, fluffy and gooey on the inside - just the way she liked it. After turning off the stove, he placed the omelets to join a couple strips of bacon he had prepared earlier, going as far as adding dried parsley for garnish because today was a special day.

"It smells great," a voice startled Ross, almost making him drop the carefully crafted breakfast all over the floor.

"Oh, Emma, you're scaring me," he breathed, placing the plate safely on the kitchen counter before turning around to place a kiss to his eldest daughter's head. "Good morning," he murmured.

His seventeen-year-old daughter, Emma was a spitting image of his wife. He couldn't believe his little girl was about to enter college this year. It felt like it was just yesterday when he and Rachel, together, found out she was expecting their first child the morning of Monica and Chandler's wedding.

Emma came as a lovely surprise.

The couple had been wanting to have kids, but didn't actually plan it when suddenly the stick turned blue. They were so excited to say the least, but eventually managed to tamper their excitement until the wedding was over - not wanting to steal the spotlight from the lovely bride and groom. It was a week later when Monica and Chandler came back from their honeymoon that they finally told their family and friends the great news.

"Morning, dad," Emma smiled, stealing a piece of strawberry from the bowl. "Breakfast in bed for mom?"

Ross grinned proudly, "Yep, I made her favorite and there's also some for you and your siblings heating in the oven. Go help yourselves."

"Thanks, dad," Emma said as she watched his father bustling around the kitchen, setting the breakfast into a wooden tray. "Need help?"

"Nope," Ross smiled thankfully, taking a stem of white lilies to finish off everything. "I have everything under control."

"It looks perfect dad," Emma sighed happily before launching herself into her father's arms. "Oh, and happy wedding anniversary!"

Ross laughed, kissing his daughter's cheeks, "Thanks, pumpkin."


"Knock, knock."

Rachel was sitting against the headboard, reading emails from her phone when she heard her husband's voice. She smiled, setting the phone down on the bedside table before giving him her full attention.

"Good morning, you... and happy anniversary!"

Ross' lips curved into a big smile as he set the tray down on the floor and kissed her, "Morning, you..." he murmured into her lips. "-and happy 20th wedding anniversary!"

"Wow. 20 years, huh?"

"I know," he said wistfully. "It's been a really great twenty years with you, Rach..."

"Aw, you too, honey..." she wrapped her hands around his neck, leaning her head so their foreheads touched. "I love you."

"I love you, too," he kissed her again before reluctantly pulling away. "I made you breakfast, your favorite."

She settled back against the headboard as he set the tray of breakfast in front of her.

"It smells great, honey. Thank you so much!"

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