Chapter 2~ Slightly Childish, But I Don't Care

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Dedicated to TellTaleHeart for being such and amazing writer.

Picture of Devan on the side. --------->

Chapter 2~ Slightly Childish, But I Don't Care


Okay, so turns out I'm not that great at thinking of ways to torture people. Figures. So by the time that class ended, the best thing that I could think of was really kind of lame, but I decided to go with it any way. The bell rang, signaling the end of Biology. I waited until this "Calvin" guy got up and started walking to the door on my side of the isle and then I stuck my foot out and he fell.

That's right, I TRIPPED him-just like the five year-old me would've done- and I LAUGHED. When he got up, boy did he look pissed. But his hair was slightly disheveled and his shirt hung a bit to the side now and I just couldn't stop laughing. It was too damn funny. His face was pink from a blush and his eyes were a stormy blue now as he marched over to me. My eyes widened in false innocence and in the most child like voice that I could muster.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" No matter how hard I tried though, I just couldn't keep a smirk off of my face as he narrowed his eyes, but just before he could say anything two people interrupted us.

"Val! Hey, what's up? How was Biology? Oh, I see you've met Calvin" Carmen said as she suddenly realizes who I was talking to. She looks almost… TIMID. Strange.

"Oh! Hey, this is my brother, Devan Caper. Devan, this is Valerie Mortensan."

"Nice to meet you, Devan."

"Ditto, Valerie. My sister tells me that you came in a pink Mercedes. You have to show me, although I'm assuming it isn't yours." He looks as though trying to hold back a laugh.

"Um… yeah, okay. And no, it's my sister's. I don't really like pink."

"No kidding" he says, stepping really close to me so our breaths mingle. Then all of a sudden he jerks back and puts his head down when Calvin starts growling. "Okay, this is getting really weird."

"Hey, earth to Valerie. What's getting really weird?" Carmen is looking at me like I'm a lunatic.

"You're looking at me like I'm a lunatic. It's a good thing too, 'cause I am one."

"Haha, now what's getting really weird?" Carmen insists.

"How did you know what I was thinking?" I narrow my eyes suspiciously. "Can you read minds?"

"Hahaha, no. You were speaking your thoughts out loud" Devan interjects.


"OH! Val, this is Calvin Fescir. Calvin, Valerie Mortensan." Carmen introduces us.

Calvin decides to pipe up. "Oh, so that's your name. Too bad it wasn't on that chair" he says smirking. I just glare at him and then turn to Carmen who has a quizzical look on her face.

"Hey, where is Mrs. Norris's classroom?"

Beside me Devan groans. "Oh no, you've got Algebra 2? I'll see you when you come out, if you're still alive that is."

"Oh, shut up, Devan. He was gonna have her too, but after his first class with her he opted out to Geometry. Anyways, I think Calvin has Mrs. Norris next too, so he can take you." Carmen says while glaring at her brother.

He stares at me for a second then finally speaks. "Yeah, alright, but you have to sit by me and let me walk you to your next class after that."

I look at him exasperated. "Yeah, fine, whatever. Can we get going? We're going to be late."

The second bell had just rung signaling that everyone should be in their classes by now. We were running to the class since the hall was empty and the hall monitors weren't out yet, when Calvin pinned me to the wall and started biting the crook of my neck. Butterflies were flying about in my stomach and I let out a moan before I realized what he was doing and shoved him away.

"What the hell?!" I reached up to wipe the saliva from my neck and it felt sore. "Great, now I'm going to have a hickey on my first day." He just grinned before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the class. "This boy's bipolar!" When we got to class Calvin was still grinning like a maniac, just as I still looked disgusted. When the teacher turned to us she was glowering. She chewed us out and sent us to our seats.

"You may be a new student Miss. Mortensan, but I still expect you to be punctual."

"Yes ma'am" I mumbled.

Calvin snickered and I glared at him. He just shrugged and turned back towards the teacher. "Asshole."


Author's Note:

PLEASE vote, comment, fan. Especially if you want more.

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