30. This is not what they expected

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Jeongguk taps his foot impatiently as he stands in the elevator. He didn't know why Taehyung went home without waiting for him at the bus stop. The elevator soon dings open at their apartment's floor and Jeongguk almost runs towards the apartment. Without knocking on the door he takes out his keys and unlocks the door.

As he steps inside, silence engulfs him even though Taehyung was sitting on of the chairs of the dining table. Usually when he comes back late from university, he sees Taehyung either watching TV or listening to jazz while making something for them to eat or sometimes he's just in his room completing assignments. But this time he was doing none of these, he was sitting and staring blankly at the table top.

"Tae?" Jeongguk calls softly. Taehyung upon hearing his name looks up with tired eyes and cheeks stained with tears. Jeongguk notices his state and immediately drops his bag and walks towards him. He takes his face in his hands and asks,

"What happened?? Why were you crying??" Taehyung just looks down and removes his face from Jeongguk's hands avoiding his gaze. Jeongguk was surprised by Taehyung's action.

"What are you doing here? Go to Jihyo and comfort her not me... "Taehyung's voice was dry without any emotions.

"What? Why are saying all of this Tae? Did something happen? "Jeongguk asks with wide eyes.

"You are asking me this Jeongguk? Don't act like you didn't just come here after having a kissing session with Jihyo" Taehyung says trying not to sound hurt. One thing about his and Jeongguk's relationship was that they always talked with each other before reaching any conclusions.

But this time Taehyung didn't know why he was being like this. He knows he should trust Jeongguk and let him speak but still that doesn't stop him from questioning him. It was like he just couldn't face the reality, that at this point of time he was practically no one to Jeongguk... He knows he was the one who left him and he was just being punished by the God in this way...

"Y-you saw that?" Jeongguk asks.

"Yes, I thought I would walk to the bus stop along with you but when I came there I saw Jihyo and you kissing each other... "Taehyung says as he stands up blinking his tears. He turns around to walk away but Jeongguk takes his hand and turns him towards himself.

"Tae... "Jeongguk sighs. First Jihyo and now Taehyung. Everyone was ready to take the test of his patience today. He looks at Taehyung and says, "Listen to me ok? It's a misunderstanding, I didn't kiss her on my own, and she just abruptly kissed me and confessed that she liked me-"

"Then why are you telling this to me? Do you mean now you both are d-dating after she c-confessed?" Taehyung asks his lips wobbling as he feels suffocated. All the worst scenarios filling his mind once again.

"No! She confessed but I told her that I didn't like her that way! I only have had one person in my heart and you very much know who that is! "Jeongguk says now growing more impatient by Taehyung's behavior. Taehyung looks down and Jeongguk just rubs his face and a frustrated sigh leaves his mouth.

"Oh god this is not what I expected everything to turn out to be! Don't you trust me Tae!?" He says. After getting no response from Taehyung, he walks closer to him. "Answer me" He whispers. Taehyung looks up.

"N-no I trust you... B-but I have seen you with her... She looks at you with s-so much adoration and e-everyone in the f-friends group loves her. Whereas I...I am nothing... I hurt y-you, I can't even make you smile without reminding you of our past and people in uni-university think of me as some sort of a weird person... You are really a likable persn J-Jeongguk and it's not hard to imagine you and Jihyo d-dating... T-thats why I-I thought that y-you both were-" Tears stream down Taehyung's face as he silently cries...

"So you believed a mere kiss that was forced on me, over my loyalty Tae?? When I once said that I couldn't imagine anyone else besides you as the one in my life, I wasn't lying Kim Taehyung... you know how well I keep up with my promises..." He breathes out. "Unlike you who left me without any information..." Jeongguk didn't know what he was saying. He was very upset by the fact that Taehyung didn't wait for him... He didn't believe in Jeongguk's love for him and like always....he ran away.

Those words. Those words tore Taehyung apart. He knew once again he failed to collect his broken pieces of heart... He failed miserably...

"It's no-nothing like that J-Jeongguk... I d-did n-not want t-to... I-I am s-sorry... "He looks down, his shoulders shaking as tears don't stop streaming down his face. He was living his worst nightmare and the mere flashback of Jihyo kissing Jeongguk was not helping him at all...

"I don't need your sorries Taehyung... The damage you have done can't be fixed by some sorries and you know that. You ruined our perfect relationship by running away, the least you can do is give me a fucking explanation but I don't think I'll ever get that from you now" Jeongguk says slowly, his voice hurtful... He didn't plan to say anything like this to Taehyung but the fact that Taehyung once again ran away reminded him of the time when he was trying to reach out for Taehyung like a madman, when he left him.

"I-I am sor-ry" Taehyung leans his head on Jeongguk's chest but Jeongguk just pulls him away by his shoulder.

"We-we should just talk later... "He says and walks out of the apartment leaving a crying Taehyung who helplessly sits on the floor.


😭😭 I know this is already a really heartbreaking time for all the armys and I wrote this chapter... I am already missing them a lot...
I have a lot of things to convey but I will keep it short and just say that I wish all the luck and good health for all the members... I will wait for BTS to reunite and come back with a whole new and fresh energy in 2025!!

ARMY for life!!💜

ARMY for life!!💜

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