Lando X Oscar - Landoscar

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The Qatar Grand Prix, a time when drivers are put to the test with severe G-Forces and high speed nature, but that doesn't mean there can't be a different winner than Red Bull driver Max Verstappen, especially when it's fan favourite rookie driver Oscar Piastri.

With media duties being finished Lando returns to his driver room to gather his things before he returns to his hotel for the proper race the next day. He knows he shouldn't compare himself to his teammate but he's older , he's been here longer than Oscar and had 5+ podiums. He deserves a win, he needs a win, he WANTS a win.

Lando sat on his bed, fists clenched from almost punching a hole in the wall tears falling down his face. He knows he shouldn't blame Oscar he loves Oscar more than just a driver and a teammate he loves him so so much he can't bring himself to hate on his win, it's not Oscar it's him he's the 'talentless' one.
"McLaren should just replace me" he says between gasps and sobs.

A small knock on the door made Lando break out of his thoughts of hate, despair and adoration.
"Lando? Are you alright mate?" The worried small Australian accent of his rookie teammate rang through the door. Worry the only thing that ran through Lando's brain he can't let his love see him like this and so he 'quickly' washed his face and opened the door to his taller companion.

"What's up? Do you want to come in?" Lando asked as smoothly as he could without revealing what had happened just a few moments prior.
"Sure, I kinda wanted to have a chat with you anyways if you don't mind?"
Imaginary sweat fell down Lando's face, more worry added to the pile.

Lando opened the door a bit wider and Oscar walked in, Oscar believed him and Lando were very good friends and could possibly be more than that but there were also no chairs in the room so he just sat on the bed with Lando following after closing the door.
"So what's up?" Lando's nerves were on edge, if Oscar said the wrong thing he might just burst out crying again.
"Well it's a bit embarrassing but I'll just start by asking if your alright? I kinda heard you crying through the wall...?" Oscar's dark brown eyes looked away from Lando for a moment before looking into his eyes, scanning his face for any change in his expression and there was. Lando's facade of being perfectly fine cracked showing his doubts about himself.

Oscar was patient, understanding as he usually is when listening to others. Lando sat there not knowing what to say as tears welled up in his eyes. Oscar opened up his arms offering a hug to the British driver, not usually like this but he wanted to comfort his crush. Lando took the hug, crying into Oscar's shoulder whilst mumbling about how he feels like a worthless f1 driver because he's always on the podium and never the winner of the race.
"It's just not fair" he sobs "why couldn't I be like Max or Lewis, I want people to cheer me on and have Zak be able to say he has one of the best drivers out there on his team!"

Oscar sits there letting Lando sob on his shoulder for well over 10 minutes until Lando cries himself to sleep arms wrapped around his younger teammate. Oscar stays there with Lando for a few moments before setting him down on the bed pulling the covers over. Checking over Lando one more time before leaving he got pulled into the bed by the asleep Lando and he wouldn't let go. Giving in Oscar slipped into bed with Lando giving him a kiss on the forehead before falling asleep with him.
"All I can say to you, is that I love you Lando never forget that"

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