Chapter 4

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Its almost 3:00 in the afternoon when you decide to call Josh. He picks up on the second ring.

"Hey (y/n)! I'm glad you called! I just bought you your Christmas present!" He says. You still need to buy his...

"Aw Josh! I can't wait to see it!" You say.

"I can come pick you up in an hour for dinner at my house. I have someone I want you to meet!" He says. You suddenly get nervous. What if its his parents?? You're not ready for that already...are you?

"Sounds great! So, 4 it is?" You smile at the thought.

"Yeah! see you soon," he says and you both hang up.

Josh later picks you up and you both drive to his house up in the Hollywood Hills. Its in a beautiful location. His front door a deep brown color, with trees all around. He unlocks the front door.

"Ladies first," he smiles at you.

"Thank you," you say smiling back.

"This is who I wanted you to meet," he says, "Driver!!" An adorable dog runs down the hall and greets you by licking you. You pet him, " He is so cute Josh!"

"He is isn't he," he laughs, " I rescued him actually and I named him after one of my favorite movies," he smiles again.

"That's amazing, Josh," You gaze into his stunning eyes. He leans in again and kisses you on the cheek.

"I have to tell you something," he says.

Your stomach drops to the floor.

"I..think I'm in love with you," he says. Your whole body tingles. And you kiss him on the lips.

"I feel the same way," you say.

"I think, if its okay, that you should be my girlfriend," he says. You can tell he's nervous about this, and he looks even more adorable.

"Of course!" You say, "without a doubt, Yes!" He smiles and kisses you once again.

"Lets go eat," he says.

Wow, your Josh Hutcherson's girlfriend already! And you haven't even completed the second date....

You sit down in front of his fireplace. It looks beautiful with its blazing colors of orange and yellow racing across the wood. Josh walks over with 2 plates of spaghetti and meatballs.

"That smells delicious," you say, suddenly starved.

"Thanks, I usually don't cook," he says, handing you a plate. You grab it willingly and take it bite. Its as delicious as it looks!

"Well Josh, you know about me, but how about you tell me about yourself?" You say. He runs his hand through his gorgeous hair and nods.

"Sure," he says," My parents' names are Chris and Michele and they are just...the best. I also have a brother named Connor. He's extremely smart and we're pretty close," he says looking into your eyes. You continue to talk for hours, although it only feels like minutes. You look at your phone to check the time and its already almost 11.

"Josh this was the Perfect night, but I have to go. My parents are coming in town tomorrow for Christmas! You should join us," you say hopefully.

"Sure that would be great! Can I come over on the 24th at around...3?" He asks.

"Sure," you say. You both walk to the kitchen to put your empty plates in the sink and he brings you home. He walks you up to your door, and with a quick kiss he leaves. You walk inside to find 10 misses calls on your answering machine. All from Matt, your EX-boyfriend...

Josh Hutcherson ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now