Chapter 8

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The hot sun beams down on you causing you to finally get up. You're still on the beach and you stand up and look around. Out of the corner of your eye you see blond hair and you realize that, walking up to you, is Jennifer Lawrence. She finally gets to you and says,

"What are you doing here (y/n)?," she sounds angry.

"I don't-"

"Save it. I don't want you talking to Josh EVER again. Do you understand?" She says. You're confused. What happened!?

"What do you mean?" You say.

"I mean that the only way you can ever see Josh again is movies and magazines. No more than that. Hes waiting for me. I have to go," she turns around and runs away from you.

"JEN!!! WHATS GOING ON!!!" You scream. Then you jolt up to find that it was all a dream. You must have started dreaming after you passed out on the beach. Jennifer never came to you. You look around and see that you're in a hospital bed. How did you get here..

You sit up in the hospital bed, your head pounding with pain immediately after. You turn to the side and see a vase full of flowers and a magazine to read. The same magazine that Josh showed you a while ago with a picture of you both in it on your first date. The thought makes you smile. You hear the door open and glance in its direction. Josh walks in.

"Oh thank god! You're alright!" He rushes over to you and hugs you.

"What happened?" You say.

"Well I told you to go after that wave and after you were surfing for a few seconds you fell off and hit your head, knocking you out. I carried you out of the water and brought you to the hospital," he says.

So Josh was never missing in the first place...and you never swam to the beach...and you never talked to Jennifer Lawrence.

"You were talking while you were passed out," Josh says with a smile. Oh gosh...what did you say!?

"What did I say?" You ask.

"You were calling out for me. Saying you missed me..," he says smiling once again," and then you mumbled on about Jennifer Lawrence," he laughs. Good it wasn't something completely embarrassing. You explain to him your frightening dream and he sits with you until you're allowed to leave the hospital.

When you're finally able to leave the hospital, Josh helps you to a rental car and you both get inside.

"It was my fault," Josh frowns.

"What?" You say.

Josh looks down and looks as if he's going to cry,

"I told you to go after the wave. I told you it would be alright, but you were almost killed," he says.

"It wasn't your fault. You helped me to try something I've never done before! Im just a klutz, it had nothing to do with you! And I'm not dead, I'm still here," you say. You hug him and kiss him on the cheek.

"I just hope you're okay," he says.

"I am," you say. And you smile at him, "So what should we do now?"

"I think I have an idea..." he says, and starts the car.

Josh Hutcherson ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now