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Y/ns pov:
When I woke up I found my self tucked in with a cold towel on my head. I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep but I'm guess it was pretty long. Although I'm not sure how I got this towel on my head but I guess someone came over to check on me.

I sat up stretching my arms with a big yawn before I turned my head to see a note that was left on the top of my side table. I rubbed my sleepy eyes as I picked it up scanning it with my eyes.

"Hey ugly, I went back to school for volleyball practice I hope you don't miss me to much. I'll come over later to check on you, but if you need anything text me I'll be over faster than you can even say my name."

-from suna

"Who's he calling ugly.. he's the ugly one," I thought to myself as I furrowed my eyebrows reading the note before putting it in my desk.

I sat in my bed staring at my wall for a bit as I woke up from my sleep like state. Finally standing up with a yawn I walked out of my bedroom and into my bathroom. I turned on the shower and grabbed a fresh pair of clothes I would wear to get food from the store. And by "food" I really mean a bunch of junk food I can eat while I binge watching my favorite show.

 And by "food" I really mean a bunch of junk food I can eat while I binge watching my favorite show

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Once I took a shower and threw on a random outfit I found in my closet. I grabbed my phone and opened my front door just to be greeted by a familiar face. "Y/n, what are you doing out of bed your sick," Suna said looking down at me with furrowed eyebrows. "I'm not sick anymore, promise!" I said grabbing his hand a placing it on my forehead. "See? I'm not sick anymore I feel better." "... okay fine, well where are you going anyways?" He asked eyeing me up and down. "I'm going to the store I just wanted to get some snacks," I explained as he nodded and grabbed my hand leading me out of my house. "Let's go then," my eyes widened as I looked at the back of his head with a smile form on my lips.

The walk to the store was quiet as usual. It may seem like suna talks a lot when around the people he knows but I think he's always been a quiet person. Not that I don't mind though, I kinda like that I'm able to be.. around him.

"Y/n," his voice pulled me out of thought as he tugged on my hand. I looked up at him saw him pointing at the food isle. "Oh yeah right,"

We shopped for what felt like hours before we finally got back to my house. Suna decided he would set up a snack bowl and let me pick out a show to binge.

I turned on my favorite show and sat on my bed as I watched the show and waited for Suna to come back. Being so invested in the show I didn't notice him entering the room until I felt my bed dip. Turning my head I saw his focused face as he tired to set everything down without spilling it.

"Oh I love this show," he said turning his face to me and I nodded in agreement . "Me too I've watched so many times I can't even count."

It was quiet most of the time but as the night went on and the sun set suna paused the show to look at me. "Do you think I can stay over? I'll sleep on the couch it's just to late to walk all the way back to my house," I nodded my head immediately. I mean was that even a question?

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