105 1 13

A/N This chapter is going to be really fluffy at the beginning but it's not going to be a smut, to my fallen soldiers... I'm sorry. 🫡

"Mmmm..." I groaned quietly as I stretched and tried rolling out of bed. "Stop moving," Suna's tired voice mumbled out pulling me back to him my back pressed against his chest. He pressed his lips against neck kissing my nape before burying his face into my hair. His hands sneaked up the hem of my shirt as he traced against the side of my stomach making me shiver. "Stop that," I hit his hand away feeling the vibrations of his raspy laugh against me. I turned to face him moving up the bed so we were face to face. "Can't I sleep in peace?" I asked and he shook his head. "Nope, I'm mad at you," he replied. His fingers were  on the back of my neck while his thumb was caressing my jaw line. "What, why?" I gave him a confused stare and he brought my face closer to his. "You didn't say I love you back," my eyes widened and for a moment I felt bad, but then I realized who I was talking to. This was Rintarou Suna, this guy did not give a single fuck. "I feel like you're just making this a big deal to tease me?" I mumbled under my breath looking at the wall avoiding his eye contact. "And what if I am," I stayed silent for a bit not sure what to say. "It's fine you don't have to say anything, after all action speak louder than words." He smirk pulling my face towards mine as our lips connected. This time was different than last night though, his kisses were more... rough. My breath hitched in the back of my throat I pulled trying to catch my breath. "Wait Suna-" I was caught off by him pulling me back into the kiss, but this time with his tongue. His hands grabbed for my waist as he sat up against the bed frame and pulled me into his lap. He left a hand on my waist and moved the other into my hair messing it up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I bit his lip making him groan slightly and furrow his eyebrows. "Brat," he said pulling back in but this time I felt I had no power in what happened next.

"Rintarouuuuu, I'm home!!" Kumiko voiced yelled out followed by the sound of the front door slamming shut. "Fuck," he cursed under his breath as he whipped my lips, fixed my hair , tucking me back under the covers. He pressed a finger to my lips signing me to be quiet before he got up and left the room. "Hey when did you get home?" I heard his muffled voice asked Kumiko as she responded and ran into her room before telling him to take out the trash. He walked back into the bedroom disappointed painted on his. "So annoying, and we were getting to the fun part too," He  collapsed onto the bed, pulling the blanket off me and throwing it on the ground. He eyed me  before leaning forward placing one last kiss on my lips before getting out of the bed and throwing on one of his hoodies. "I'll be back in have to take the trash out," he walked out of the bedroom leaving me alone with my thought.

I sat up at the loud sound of the door being kicked open. "I knew you were here!" It was Kumiko, I screaming, energetic, jumping up and down Kumiko. "Wait don't tell me.. did you, you know me brother?" She faked gagged and my face went red. "What no, I was just sending the night is all!" I explained while waving my hands In-front of my face and shaking me head no. "are you guys at least dating?"  She asked walking over to me and sitting down next to me. "Well... I mean I think we are but it hasn't really been like said. You know what I mean?" I oh shape formed on her lips as she nodded and held a thumbs up. "Well why don't you just ask him if you guys are. I'm assuming you guys have at least kissed. Right? Oh my god, don't tell me you guys haven't even kissed?!" She held a hand over her mouth and I shook my head. "No,no we have but that doesn't make it any easier. This whole thing is just so confusing." The sound of the front door opening had her shooting up from the bed and running out of the room with one last, "sorry gotta go."

I bit my lip and grabbed at hem of the shorts I had on. "It's now or never," I thought to myself and let out a sigh to prepare myself. I watched as he walked back into the room and threw of his hoodie and shirt. He opened his closet and searched through it for a new shirt as I stared at his bare, and oddly muscular back- wait what am I even thinking about back on topic y/n. I let out a cough to clear my throat , in turn caught his attention

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